Tuesday, January 2, 2018

WWF Monday Night RAW (November 6, 1995)

Original Airdate: November 6, 1995 (taped October 23)

From Brandon, Manitoba, Canada; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Dok Hendrix. They’re not even pretending this isn’t taped, offering highlights of the show in the opening preview

Davey Boy Smith v Marty Jannetty: Criss cross goes Marty's way with an enzuigiri for two, and he tries holding Bulldog in a wristlock, but gets press-dropped across the top rope. Bulldog hits a backdrop, as Clarence Mason shows up on split screen to announce that he was able to secure Davey a title shot at whoever is WWF champion at the December In Your House, thus settling the controversy from last week. Bulldog with a hanging vertical suplex, and he works a chinlock, but Jannetty escapes, so Davey throws a knee to put him down. Headbutt gets two, and Davey goes back to the chinlock. Davey tries a Samoan drop, but Jannetty counters with a crucifix for two, so Bulldog clotheslines him, and drops a leg for two. Davey with a cross corner whip, and it's back to the chinlock. Marty starts to fight free again, so Smith dumps him to the outside for Jim Cornette to abuse, then back in for yet another chinlock. Marty escapes, and tries a cross corner dropkick, but Smith sidesteps, and Jannetty ends up in a tree of woe. Davey works another chinlock, but misses a charge in the corner, and Jannetty delivers a flying somersault stunner off the middle rope. Facebuster follows, and Marty goes up with a flying fistdrop. Davey dodges, so Jannetty lands on his feet, and hits a DDT for two instead. Unfortunately, he misses a charge in the corner, and the Running Powerslam polishes him off at 11:29. It leaned too heavily on the chinlock again and again, but a solid effort. * ¾

A Bill Clinton impersonator talks about how the WWF is one of the country's 'greatest exports,' and promises he will be at Survivor Series. I don't get who that's supposed to appeal to. I mean, it's very obviously not the real Clinton, so are we supposed to get excited because an impersonator of the President is going to be at the pay per view? 'Buy Survivor Series, and see a guy who kinda looks like Bill Clinton sitting in the crowd!' How did they not make ALL OF THE MONEY?

Dok Hendrix catches up with Bulldog and Jim Cornette at ringside to discuss the announcement that Davey will face the WWF champion in December. Also, to flex. Boy, that Jim Cornette fella sure loves to talk

Backstage, Bret Hart and Barry Horowitz try to get Hakushi ready for tonight's main event

On Superstars over the weekend, Bam Bam Bigelow was acting like a big homophobe, setting up a match with Goldust for Survivor Series

Also over the weekend on Superstars, Henry Godwinn's smell offended Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Henry Godwinn v Terry Richards: Richards is the future Rhyno, very early on in his career. Richards actually controls to start, but misses a charge in the corner, and Godwinn delivers an elbowdrop. He runs Terry's head into the turnbuckles, and hits a guillotine legdrop across the bottom rope. Godwinn with a backelbow, and the Slop Drop finishes at 2:06. This was a bore, bore, bore. Afterwards, Helmsley jumps Godwinn with a Pedigree on the floor, and he dumps the contents of the slop bucket on him. DUD

Survivor Series Slam Jam, with Todd Pettengill! Holy shit, he's in Dok's man cave! Todd looks really creepy here for some reason. Like a deranged version of the dude from Blue's Clues. So, basically, like the dude from Blue's Clues

Barry Didinsky wants you to spend $21 on 1,000 WWF superstars in pog form. I love how they're all just stuffed into a random clear plastic bag, like someone's lunch. That was a fun fad. The best was this toy I had that allowed you to make your own pogs, and since I had a WWF Magazine subscription, I had tons of custom WWF ones, as well as a bunch of WCW ones made from random Apter mags

Kama v Tony Roy: Roy looks like he borrowed Lanny Poffo's old gear from the mid-80s for tonight. He evades Kama long enough to schoolboy for two, as Shawn Michaels calls in to discuss how his return to the ring went over the weekend, as well as Survivor Series. He notes that, considering the participants for the Wild Card match, we might get to see him beat up by nine guys again. 'Anything can happen,' notes Vince. Meanwhile, this squash drags on in the background, until Kama knocks him out for the pin at 3:12. DUD

Next week, Razor Ramon defends the Intercontinental title against Sycho Sid, with 1-2-3 Kid as the special guest referee

WWF Tag Team Champions The Smoking Gunns have a Karate Fighters battle. Billy wins. Well, Bart does have a habit of getting knocked out in those situations

Bret Hart and Hakushi v Jerry Lawler and Isaac Yankem: It's like a collage of Bret Hart's feuds in 1995. There's a bunch of guys dressed like Goldust in the crowd, which must have made for a fun trip to Denny's after the show. Bret starts with Isaac, sticking and moving at the evil dentist. Over to Hakushi for a flying headbutt and a handspring backelbow, then back to the Hitman for an inverted atomic drop, followed by a clothesline for two. He grabs an overhead armbar, but Yankem escapes, so Bret throws a bodypress for two. Slingshot sunset flip gets two, but Hakushi gets nailed while trying another handspring elbow. Yankem tries tossing him over the top, but Hakushi lands on the apron, and dives back in with a springboard dropkick. That knocks Isaac to the outside, but he catches Hakushi as he tries a plancha, then rams him into the apron out there. Back in, Yankem delivers a backbreaker for two, and tags Lawler in for the first time - Jerry going right to the Piledriver. King gives him a second one, stopping to taunt Bret before and after, as the heels cut the ring in half. Lawler misses a flying axehandle to allow the tag to Bret, and Roseanne Barr the door! Sharpshooter looks to finish Yankem off, so Jerry comes in with a chair, but Barry Horowitz stops him from using it. Unfortunately for Barry, just as he pulls the weapon away from the King, the referee turns around and sees Horowitz holding it, and calls for the DQ at 12:28. Ha, even as a corner man Horowitz can't get a win. The match was pretty much paint-by-numbers stuff, but Lawler was great at making you want to kill him with his antics. * ½  

BUExperience: Not a whole lot really going on, but it was a watchable enough episode, as they build towards Survivor Series.

Monday Night Wars Rating Chart


Total Wins
Win Streak

Better Show (as of 10/30)

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