Saturday, April 30, 2022

WWF Mania (April 17, 1993)

Original Airdate: April 17, 1993

Your Host is Todd Pettengill from the studio. It’s merchandise week this week, and Todd has a Hulk Hogan cake pan, which is apparently a real thing that they attempted to sell for real money in 1993. What a country

Mr. Hughes v JD Stryker: This is Hughes’ debut, and it’s from the April 11 Wrestling Challenge (taped March 9) in Augusta Georgia. Between Hughes, Jim Ross (on commentary), and being taped in Georgia, this has a very WCW feel to it. Also, because it’s terrible. Hughes with a scrapbuster at 2:01. Hughes was such a weird fit for the WWF, as he was another dude who wrestled in office clothes, and didn’t really have any gimmick like IRS did. And he could just never seem to click in the promotion. He was only around for a few months in 1993, then,  like, two minutes in 1997, and then two more minutes in 1999. DUD

Todd chews out some poor production assistant, tearing up a stuffed bunny in front of him, and making him cry. Did the poor guy forget to shake someone’s hand last week, or something

Randy Savage appeared at the White House Easter Egg Hunt, looking a little uncomfortable, which he helps by making out with the Easter Bunny

Backstage on RAW, Money Inc pay off the Beverly Brothers for tips on how to handle The Steiner Brothers. Really? From the team who’ve already beaten them twice on TV in, like, three months?

Irwin R. Schyster v Scott Steiner: From the April 12 episode of RAW in Poughkeepsie New York. Scott nearly rips his arm out of the socket with a hammerlock right away, and IRS grabs the ropes. Scott tries it again; same result. Third try, but this time IRS manages an enzuigiri - only to get powerslammed when an Irish whip gets reversed. He bails to the floor to cuddle in the warm embrace of Ted DiBiase's bosom for a bit, and back in, Scott tries a side-headlock, but takes a drop-toehold out of a criss cross. IRS leaps into a mat-based headlock, but Scott quickly counters into another hammerlock, and clotheslines him for two. Back to the arm, but IRS cracks his jaw with an elbow - only to have a suplex reversed for two. IRS bails again, and suckers Scott out to the floor for DiBiase to clobber. That draws Rick Steiner over, but they cool their jets as IRS gets Scotty back in for a piledriver. Chinlock, but Scott powers up for a slugfest - IRS controlling with a bodyslam. To the top, but a dive hits Scott's boot on the way down, and Steiner clobbers him with a backelbow. Ten-punch count and a snap across the top rope hit, followed by a backdrop. Double-underhook powerbomb, but DiBiase breaks up the count, and it's a disqualification at 12:05. Afterwards, The Steiner's go for the kill, but the Beverly's run out to save Money Inc - only for a heel miscommunication to leave DiBiase and IRS down. This wasn't anything groundbreaking, but both guys were essentially flawless in their execution of holds, and I can appreciate that. Plus, the match was used to develop a Money Inc/Steiners feud, so it's not like it was a waste of time, or anything. *

Todd is hanging out in what looks like a warehouse, where there’s a full ring set up, along with what will be the King of the Ring throne. Todd lounges in the throne, but that darned stuffed bunny is back, setting him off on the poor production kid again

Todd reviews WrestleMania IX, and apparently the kids today don’t know how lucky they are to get main events like we had there. Interestingly, he covers everything EXCEPT the tag title match

We take a look back at the Sensational Sherri/Luna Vachon brawl from RAW

Todd rides a bicycle around in the ring, since he’s just the coolest

Tiger Jackson v Little Louie: From the April 11 Wrestling Challenge. Dink, unmasked! We get the usual comedy spots, from the future Dink and the future Queasy, as Bobby Heenan makes wisecracks. Well, at least we have Heenan. The Beverly Brothers takes a cheap shot at Jackson to allow Louie to gain control, and we get more comedy spots. Louie gets dizzy while trying an airplane spin, allowing the Bushwhackers to throws Jackson onto him with a bodypress at 4:32. Not my thing, but they achieved what they were going for, it wasn’t a failure. ¼*

Jim Duggan v Barry Horowitz: From the April 10 Superstars (taped March 8) in North Charleston South Carolina. This is Duggan’s big return, following the injury angle with Yokozuna a while back. And he’s really diving right back into the deep end, ain’t he? Jim’s all fired up this week, throwing chairs around, and using the steps on Barry, before finishing with a three-point stance at 1:37. Duggan was looking mighty energetic this week. ¼*

Back in the warehouse Todd actually delivers a pretty nice elbowdrop. Too bad that it’s onto a teddy bear

BUExperience: What is this show? I dunno. But I’m glad it exists.

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