Friday, February 23, 2024

WWF Superstars (April 8, 1995)


Original Airdate: April 8, 1995 (taped April 4)

From Glens Falls, New York; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

Men on a Mission v Bill Payne and Buck Quartermaine: Despite now being heels, Lawler is still making fat jokes about Men on a Mission, which feels really off brand for him. Mabel with a belly-to-belly suplex at 2:29. Some decent energy from the newly minted heels. ¼*

Jim Ross is in the studio with the WrestleMania XI Report. Did Todd have the clap, or something? 

Backstage, Aldo Montoya warms up

Backstage, WWF Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett promises a beating for Aldo later

1-2-3 Kid v Mike Khoury: We get a fan doing the ring announcing for this one. I miss when Kid was wrestling like an underdog, now he’s just squashing guys like everyone else. Kid with a bridging northern lights suplex at 2:01. DUD

We take a look back at last week’s Fan Festival

Jenny McCarthy, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Pamela Anerson, and Nicholas Turturro all say “I had a great time at WrestleMania.” Why do they all sound like they have a gun to their heads?

Mantaur v Rich Meyers: Vince is very excited about Turturro potentially joining the roster. Well, I think we can all agree, that would be not great. Mantaur with a slam at 2:06. Much like Mantaur, this was a big, fat DUD

Backstage, Montoya is done warming up, but Jeff Jarrett gets in his face

Jeff Jarrett v Aldo Montoya: The WWF Intercontinental title is not on the line here. Aldo attacks in the aisle during the entrances, and hustles Jeff in, hitting him with a bodypress for two to kick start the match. A sunset flip follows for two, and he takes Jarrett to the mat in a headlock. Jeff forces a criss cross, so Montoya throws a shoulderblock for two, and goes back to the mat-based headlock. Jeff manages a drop-toehold, but an elbowdrop misses, and Montoya goes back to his hold. Roadie trips him up to allow Jarrett to recover, and Montoya ends up on the outside for Roadie to clobber. Inside, Jeff delivers a 2nd rope punch, and a vertical suplex sets up a trio of elbowdrops. Jeff with a straddling ropechoke, and a cross corner whip rattles the ring. Jarrett tags him with a leg-feed enzuigiri, but Aldo comes back with a sunset flip, and a knife edge chop connects. A jumping forearm gets two, and a backslide is worth two. Montoya goes up with a missile dropkick for two, but he gets nailed on a criss cross, and Jeff uses a bridging side suplex - Montoya getting a shoulder up at two, but Jeff neglecting to do the same, thus pinning himself at 6:12. This was solid. * ¾ 

WrestleMania XI Encore ad

Jean-Pierre LaFitte v Scott Taylor: They’re still acknowledging that LaFitte is the same character as Quebecer Pierre, but they’re already downplaying that aspect. LaFitte with a flying somersault senton splash at 3:34. DUD

Ross is back for another WrestleMania XI Report. Which amounts to hyping the encore. And if you ever need any proof that Jim is full of shit, he notes that the Bret Hart/Bob Backlund match was ‘one of his favorites’

Jarrett comes back out, and Vince tries to badger him into giving Montoya a title shot

BUExperience: They did a good job of building up the Jarrett/Montoya match this week.

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