Sunday, February 18, 2024

WWF Superstars (March 18, 1995)


Original Airdate: March 18, 1995 (taped February 21)

From Augusta, Georgia; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

Adam Bomb v Tom Prichard: Vince seems to be unable to remember Prichard’s name here, always a good sign for his push. And he generally remembers the names of the random jobbers, not to mention that the commentary was probably taped after the fact anyway. Bomb knocks him around to start, so Jim Cornette distracts him, and Prichard knocks Adam to the outside. Tom dives after him with a clothesline from the apron, and he rolls Bomb in to cover for two. Prichard with a kneelift for two, and he hammers Bomb into the corner for a monkey flip for two. Prichard with a cross corner whip, but Bomb blocks a second monkey flip, and he goes upstairs, but Tom crotches him. Tom follows up for a superplex, but Bomb drops him to block, and dives with a flying clothesline at 4:35. This was mostly fine, just really abbreviated. ¾*

Vince catches up with WWF Champion Diesel in the control center, and Diesel’s hanging around in his pajamas for some reason. Guy really puts in the hours, I guess

Shawn Michaels flirts with Pamela Anderson. Shawn is brimming with confidence here

Well Dunn v The Blu Brothers: Vince is very excited that the Brothers are heading to WrestleMania. Well, that makes one of us. Well Dunn try double teaming, but get nowhere, and eat a spinebuster/splash combo to put Timothy Well away at 3:39. Basically a squash. ¼*

Todd Pettengill is in the studio for the WrestleMania XI Report. Not much this week, it’s still all about the celebrities for Todd

Lex Luger v King Kong Bundy: I’m going to guess this one doesn’t get a proper finish. Lex tries a bodypress right away, but gets caught, and slammed. Bundy goes for an elbowdrop, but Luger dodges, and throws a series of clotheslines to send Bundy to the outside. Back in, Bundy tries a turnbuckle smash, but Lex blocks. Lex throws right hands, but goes for a bodyslam, and gets toppled for two. That allows Bundy to work a chinlock, as Paul Bearer wanders out. Luger escapes the hold, but gets clotheslined back down, and Bundy bootchokes him, as the crowd loses their shit about Bearer. They’re way over excited. Bundy gets distracted by his presence, allowing Lex to fire up a comeback, and he delivers a bodyslam. He goes in for the kill, but Tatanka runs in for the DQ at 7:03. That chinlock went on forever. Afterwards, Bundy and Tatanka deliver a beatdown, but Davey Boy Smith makes the save. I wonder why they didn’t just run that tag match at WrestleMania instead of what they did. It’s not like Bundy getting tied up with the Undertaker match was anything particularly intriguing for either guy. Hell, slot Undertaker in a handicap match against the Blu Brothers, and you don’t even need to do a lot of shuffling to make the card work. Or, just swap Kama in to either match. ½*

Fan Fest ad

Man Mountain Rock v Black Phantom: Kind of weird that their main sponsor’s tagline is ‘when you can’t smoke, chew this!’ It’s a kid’s show! Meanwhile, Vince is still giving us Rock’s real name and college athletic background. This is the same promotion that ignores the connection between current and past stars (such as offspring), but we need to know this random gimmick wrestler’s background? Rock with a fujiwara armbar at 1:49. DUD

Nicholas Turturro questions Ted DiBiase about his business practices. Apparently, Ted is trying to scalp tickets to WrestleMania. Well, as long as he doesn’t sell t-shirts out of the back of his car, we’re good

WrestleMania XI ad

Kama v Leroy Howard: Man, the Corporation is all over the show at this point. I get that it gives the announcers an excuse to hype the WrestleMania main event, and that’s what the whole game is about at this point, though. Kama knocks him silly at 1:48. DUD

Todd is back with a second WrestleMania Report

WrestleMania Moment: a look back at Roddy Piper putting Morton Downey Jr’s cigarette out at WrestleMania V. Celebrities! They’re what we’re here for!

BUExperience: Not one, not two, but three feature matches?! What a country!

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