Saturday, September 29, 2018

WWF Monday Night RAW (July 8, 1996)

Original Airdate: July 8, 1996 (taped June 24)

From Green Bay, Wisconsin; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

A fiery President Gorilla Monsoon announces that he has suspended Ultimate Warrior as a result of Warrior failing to appear at three live events, and will only reinstate him if Warrior puts up an appearance bond for his bookings

Ultimate Warrior v Owen Hart: So, Warrior is suspended indefinitely... but, you know, after this match. Dangers of taped shows, especially in the Monday Night Wars era. These WWF referees drive me nuts with their bell ringing protocols. Like, now they're ringing them when both guys aren't even in the ring? Owen tries to charge, but quickly gets dumped, as we gets a split screen with WWF Champion Shawn Michaels and WWF Intercontinental Champion Ahmed Johnson to talk about having to replace Warrior for the six-man tag at the upcoming In Your House. Man, every time Warrior left the promotion it turned into a shit show for the entire production. Although, I will note that they managed to pull awesome replacements out of their hats all three times. Warrior keeps tossing Owen around with ease as the King of Hearts sells like he's made of rubber, and Warrior is actually digging into the move set tonight. Nothing crazy, but way more varied than his usual efforts. Owen tries coming back with a spinheel kick and some clotheslines, but Warrior no-sells everything... and then suddenly starts selling the same move he was already no-selling. It's like he forgot what he was supposed to be doing, or something. Owen tries a vertical suplex, but Warrior reverses - only to have a splash blocked when Hart raises his knees. Owen works him over in rather dull fashion, and uses a straddling ropechoke, then a leg-feed enzuigiri. Hart stopping to celebrate with his Slammy trophy is a nice touch. Owen goes up with a missile dropkick for two (in what may be the first pin attempt of the match), and the Sharpshooter looks to finish, but Warrior powers out. That draws Davey Boy Smith down to ringside just as Warrior starts mounting a comeback, and he runs in for the DQ at 9:46. Afterwards, Vader shows up as well, allowing Camp Cornette a three-on-one beat down of the Warrior, and he ends up getting carried out of the arena. And that was actually the last time he appeared on WWE programming until 2014. *

Shawn Michaels and Ahmed Johnson are backstage, and don't seem to give much of a shit about the fact that their friend and partner just got the crap kicked out of him

Savio Vega v Justin Bradshaw: It's like feuding with Savio Vega in 1996 was some sort of prerequisite to becoming world champion. Brian Pillman tries to go after Savio during the entrances, but JJ Dillon (unnamed) cuts him off. Too bad, maybe Pillman could have been world champion, too. Bradshaw tries to push him around to start, but Vega fights him off, and goes to town in the corner. Cross corner spinheel kick gets two, but Savio telegraphs a backdrop, and gets bulldogged for two. Bodyslam gets Bradshaw two, so he tries a sleeper, but Vega escapes with a bodypress for two. He looks for a follow-up, but Bradshaw is ready with a big boot, and he adds an elbowdrop for two. Chinlock wears Savio down for two, so Bradshaw corner whips him a few times, but Vega gets fired up, and starts chopping. Vega with a bodyslam to set up a splash for two (looked like Bradshaw was supposed to dodge that, but missed his cue), but a dropkick misses (yep), and Bradshaw drops a leg for two. Back to the chinlock, but Savio uses a stunner to break free, and starts making a comeback, but hits boot on a corner charge. Meanwhile, Mr. Perfect calls in to tease that he might be Shawn and Ahmed's mystery partner. Mr. Perfect teasing a comeback? Yep, it must be 1996. Bradshaw hits a pumphandle-slam for two, and he dives with a flying shoulderblock for two. They're giving these guys a lot more time than you'd expect. Piledriver, but Vega counters with a backdrop, and he starts mounting another comeback. He manages to drop Bradshaw with a side suplex for two, and a backdrop follows, so Uncle Zebekiah tries to interfere - only for it to backfire, and Vega finishes with the spinheel kick at 12:30. This wasn't bad, but took too long to make it's point, and the crowd wasn't particularly invested. Afterwards, the heels jump Vega for a beating and branding. **

Backstage, Shawn and Ahmed continue to tease their third man (supposedly he's on his way to the building), and rename the Smoking Gunns 'Silly' and 'Fart.' If they had debuted a few years later, hell, that might have been their actual ring names

Over the weekend, the WWF held several live events, though apparently no wrestling took place at any of those events. Shawn Michaels dancing around with a video camera - coming soon to an arena near you!

The Godwinns v Davey Boy Smith and Vader: Jim Cornette sits in on commentary for this one. Henry Godwinn starts with Smith, and it's HOG versus Dog, ladies and gentlemen! Henry dominates, as Vince hypes up ticket sales for the upcoming In Your House. Vader takes a cheap shot from the apron to put Henry down, and the big man tags in to pound Godwinn. Vertical suplex, but Henry reverses, and knocks Vader down with a shoulderblock, so the big guy goes to the eyes to stop that train. Phineas Godwinn takes a cheap shot to put Vader back down though, and Phineas tags in with a splash for two. He unloads on Vader in the corner, but runs into a clothesline as they criss cross, and Bulldog tags back in to corner whip Phineas. This match is going nowhere. They're not resting, but the action is all very directionless, like an exercise bike. Phineas bulldogs the Bulldog for two, but gets into trouble with Vader, and ends up passing back to Henry. He knocks Vader around, but misses a charge in the corner, and Vader clotheslines him. Back to Bulldog for a chinlock, followed by a bodyslam, and a legdrop for two. This thing needs to end already. Another chinlock, but Henry escapes, so Davey knees him down, and brings Vader in with a splash for two. Another splash connects, but Henry escapes a headlock with a side suplex, only to get pounded down again before he can do anything else. Vaderbomb gets two, so Davey comes in to try a suplex, but Henry manages to block. No follow-up though, and Bulldog pounds him down for two. Back to Vader for some abuse in the corner, and an avalanche connects. Another one, but Henry manages to catch him in a powerslam this time, and that's finally enough for the hot tag to Phineas - Roseanne Barr the door! Phineas with a bodyslam on Davey for two, but he gets clobbered by Vader, and Smith pins him at 13:31. Is that all? Because this felt like it went on forever. ½*

Shawn and Ahmed note that the third man is in the parking lot, and will be here momentarily

Call the Superstar Line and find out about a potential 'love triangle' between Goldust, Marlena, and Sable. And Mankind, because apparently shapes are confusing

Jim Cornette thinks Shawn and Ahmed are bluffing about even having a partner, but he's here, and he's Sycho Sid! Great reveal there, with Sid standing back-to-back with Johnson, before spinning around to show his face at the exact right moment. Honestly, Sid is a more exciting choice than Warrior anyway

BUExperience: No matter what they put out there, there was no way they were going to compete with Nitro this week, and they got predictably decimated in the ratings. And deservedly so, though the Sid reveal was pretty cool.

Monday Night Wars Rating Chart


Total Wins
Win Streak

Better Show (as of 7/1)

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