Thursday, May 30, 2019

WWF Monday Night RAW (November 18, 1996)

Original Airdate: November 18, 1996

From New Haven, Connecticut; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler

Tough Man Contest: Steve Austin v Mankind: This is supposed to be Austin/Vader, but Vader got hurt at Survivor Series the night before (which they openly acknowledge), so we get this instead. Kind of a weird pairing, considering both were heels, and didn't really have any interaction before. Mankind attacks from behind during the entrances, and they brawl up the aisle before the bell even sounds. A bunch of officials run out to try and pull them apart so we can start the match officially, but they're swinging wildly, and some referees get dropped in the crossfire. They keep brawling around ringside, where Austin gets whipped into the steps, and now even Paul Bearer is trying to break things up. If Pat Patterson in his best Cosby sweater can't do it, no one can, Paul. They finally head into the ring to officially kick it off, and Austin immediately stomps a mud hole, and sends Mankind back to the outside. Steve dives off the apron with an axehandle, but loses a slugfest, and eats steps again. Inside, Mankind chokes him down in the corner, but it backfires when Steve comes barreling at him with a clothesline, followed by mounted punches. Right hand sends Mankind back to the outside, so he grabs a chair, but Steve kicks it away from him. Austin tries using the chair, but the referee cuts him off, so he decides to whip Mankind into the guardrail instead, in violent fashion. Inside, Mankind slaps on the Mandible Claw, but Austin is ready with a kick to the balls to shake him off. He goes up to the middle for an axehandle, but Mankind gutpunches him to blow, and he chokes him down in the corner again. Guillotine legdrop takes us back to the outside, where Mankind drops Steve across the rail, but Austin beats the count to the apron. He tries a suplex over the top, but Mankind reverses him back into the ring, and adds a swinging neckbreaker. Legdrop follows, so Austin tries a sleeper to hang on, but Mankind fights him off in the corner. Steve tries another charge, but Mankind is ready with his own clothesline this time. Piledriver, so Steve tries a backdrop over the top, but Mankind lands on the apron, and drops Steve throat-first across the top rope. Mankind goes upstairs, but Austin slams him off the top, and puts the boots to him for good measure. Right hand sends Mankind to the outside, where Steve drops him across the rail, and back in we go. Snapmare sets up a 2nd rope pointed elbowdrop for two - in the first cover of the match. Steve unloads in the corner until Mankind falls through the ropes to the outside, so Executioner runs in to attack Austin for the DQ at 11:01 bell-to-bell, and about 13:40 total. I have specific memories of seeing this match on live TV, and it was really crazy and unique for a 1996 RAW, no question. A really fun brawl that holds up well today too, though with a terrible finish. It's forgivable enough for TV, but still. Afterwards, Mankind and Executioner beat Austin down, until Undertaker runs in to make the save! But before we can book that awesome tag match for next week, Austin thanks Undertaker for the assist by clotheslining him over the top, so I guess it ain't happening. *** ¼

Survivor Series encore ad

The Acclaim Slam of the Week is Rocky Maivia dropping bodies at Survivor Series. The Acclaim game in question is the In Your House one, which I definitely had, and HATED back in the day. I was (and still am) more into realistic wrestling games over arcade style, but I'd probably appreciate the over the top fun of it a lot more today

Faarooq v Savio Vega: Ahmed Johnson watches from the crowd. I like how Ahmed's been on the shelf so long that Faarooq's already on his second gimmick by the time Johnson comes back to seek revenge. I also like how they have him out in the crowd, like the cool nWo guys on Nitro. Sunny acts as the guest ring announcer here, continuing her weird connection/non-connection with Faarooq. Like, first she was his manager... then she wasn't... but she still seems to show up a lot when he's around. And that loose association was generally fine before, but it feels off message to have her introduce Nation of Domination leader Faarooq and pals as her 'dear friends.' Much better gimmick for Faarooq, though. And I guess Savio eventually game around on it, too. Faarooq whips him around to start, but misses a corner charge, and Savio throws a dropkick. Ten-punch count in the corner sets up a cross corner whip, and Vega follows in with a monkeyflip. He wrenches on the arm, as Sunny pops in to cuddle up with Lawler on commentary. Vega with a bodypress for two, and a hiptoss gets two, as Ahmed continues to watch from the crowd - now sporting a Survivor Series hat he totally didn't have on earlier. I'd like to think he stole it from some punk kid who bugged him for an autograph, or something. Faarooq fights off an armbar with a spinebuster for two, and he stays on the back with a corner whip, followed by a snap suplex for two. Savio fights him off in the corner, but a turnbuckle smash gets reversed, and Faarooq side suplexes him down for a reverse chinlock. Vega escapes, but a splash attempt hits knees. Faarooq goes for the kill, but Vega manages a small package for two, and he adds a facebuster to get his comeback off the ground. Mounted punches rattle Faarooq, and a bodyslam sets up an elbowdrop, but Faarooq dodges. He slams Vega to set up a dive off the top, but takes too long getting up there, and Savio crotches him. Vega follows upstairs for a superplex, but they lose their footing, and take a NASTY spill to the outside. If that was a spot, it would have been awesome. But, I'm pretty sure it was a botch. Let's call it awesome anyway, since no one got hurt. Back in, Vega lands the spinheel kick, but misses a charge, and goes flying to the outside. That allows the Nation to beat on him with a 2x4 out there, and they roll Vega in for Faarooq to cover at 10:12. And then Ahmed takes off running down to ringside to attack, mowing the Nation down, and chasing Faarooq off with the 2x4. The crowd is happy to see him, but the game has changed so much since August, and you can definitely feel that they've cooled on him a lot during the off time. Ahmed then decides to keep chasing, but stupidly runs back into the crowd as a 'shortcut,' despite Faarooq being at the top of the aisle... you know, at the end of a straight, unblocked path. Well, whatever makes him happy, I guess. * ¾

In Karate Fighters Holiday Tournament action, this week we have our final quarterfinal match, featuring Bob Backlund taking on Sunny. Unfortunately for ol' Bob, not even his BluBlockers can protect him from the smoldering hotness of 1996 Sunny, and he loses. Maybe if he had his sombrero next time

WWF Champion Sycho Sid is backstage pumping iron. If the Karate Fighters segment felt like an outtake from a bad porno, this feels like one from Anchorman. This segues into stills of Sid's win the night before at Survivor Series, and Vince goes on an epic rant about what a great man and champion Shawn Michaels is/was. I mean, he nearly has TEARS in his eyes as passionately goes on about how, yes, he may be a ladies' man, but last night he proved he's also a man's man, dammit! And he's going to be the champion again, don't count him out! Poor Vince looks like he needs a cuddle. And Sunny is long gone. I hope Lawler stepped up

Doug Furnas and Philip LaFon v Leif Cassidy and Bob Holly: I guess that injury Marty Jannetty sustained at Survivor Series was legit, then. Weird bit, as Captain Lou Albano walks out with the fake Rockers, but then turns back about a quarter way down the aisle... then walks out with Furnas and LaFon. Huh? And then he just goes and does guest commentary. Anyway, LaFon and Cassidy start, and they feel each other out. Reversal sequence ends in LaFon holding a fujiwara armbar, but Cassidy turns it into another reversal sequence, ending in a slugfest. LaFon with a leg-feed corkscrew kick to send Cassidy to the outside, and Holly tags in on the way back in. He nearly gets trapped in the babyface corner, but manages to avoid, as WWF Tag Team Champions Davey Boy Smith and Owen Hart split screen in to talk about this new team. It's weird seeing Clarence Mason with them, now that the Nation is a thing. Furnas with a suplex on Cassidy, and LaFon with a savate kick for two, but he telegraphs a backdrop, and gets clobbered. The heels go to work on LaFon (is Holly even a heel though... it feels like he thinks pulling down his straps is a heel turn in and of itself), but it goes nowhere, and Doug gets the tag. The crowd obviously didn't order Survivor Series, because they have no clue who these guys are, and they're asleep. Furnas blows the hot tag, and ends up in trouble, and then LaFon tags in, and ends up eating a suplex from Cassidy... before coming back with one of his own for the pin at 7:45. What shitty booking to try and get these new guys over. Like, I know they weren't the most outgoing guys, but just let them go out and kill guys and get over. What's this bullshit back-and-forth-barely-pull-out-the-win shit for a new team? ¾*

Survivor Series encore ad

Survivor Series rope plaque ad. Yeah, I totally wanted that (and the WrestleMania XII mat version) so much as a kid

Jim Ross brings WWF Champion Sycho Sid out for an in-ring interview to close the show, since I guess that's what Nitro's been doing for their main events lately, and it seems to be working for them. Anyway, Sid offers no remorse for what happened to Jose Lothario, and we're lucky Vince sent Ross in to do this, or else we'd see McMahon break down crying right now. So Sid's first challenger will be new top contender Bret Hart at In Your House next month - or as Sid calls him 'Bretman Hitman.' Sid + live mics = awesome. Every time

BUExperience: The Tough Man Contest is really unique and different for 1996 WWF, and the rest is pretty focused on showcasing new guys, or new gimmicks for old guys. Not a great hour, but a solid one, and I’ll always appreciate focused booking.

Monday Night Wars Rating Chart


Total Wins
Win Streak

Better Show (as of 11/11)

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