Monday, January 11, 2021

WWF Superstars (August 29, 1992)

Original Airdate: August 29, 1992 (taped August 10)


From Huntsville, Alabama; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect

We open with clips of the Ultimate Maniacs EXPLODING at last week's SummerSlam Spectacular


Ric Flair v Joey Maggs: Mr. Perfect is in Flair's corner, leaving Vince alone on commentary. And he's off the leash and running wild, I'll tell ya. He's dropping SAT words like a man trying very hard to prove he doesn't even know what wrasslin' even is! Flair takes his time working over the quality jobber, and the Figure Four puts it away at 2:56. ¼*


Ultimate Warrior is so mad at WWF Champion Randy Savage that he's literally unable to contain his bodily fluids any longer. Meanwhile, the Macho Man is wearing black and white, but it's all about the shades of gray. This was an amazing angle, with both guys doing an absolutely incredible job of getting it over. I mean, Warrior and Savage as crazy, paranoid guys weaving conspiracy theories is pretty much perfect casting


Tatanka v Pat Rose: Having Perfect on commentary every week is another master stroke in getting this main event angle over. Tatanka split screens in to cut a promo on Berzerker, and wow, it sure makes him sound like a heel. He's bragging about beating up an elderly manager, and daring that poor old man's charge to come at him for revenge. What a jerk. No wonder he never won a title. End of the Trail is the... uh... end of the trail for Rose at 2:59. DUD


Rick Martel wants you to stay out of his face


Crush is very interested in clocks. Not sure his feeling on wrist and/or pocket watches, though. Maybe next week


Kamala v Jeff Daniels: Vince notes that Kamala is threatening to boil Undertaker in a pot at SummerSlam, and then eat him. That's an interesting angle for the hard sell, but then the British DO eat weird foods, so maybe he's just hoping to put a few more butts in seats. Kamala with a splash at 1:48. DUD


Nailz has been scratching his balls. Or maybe the days off the wall. Hard to tell with that voice. Meanwhile, Virgil compares working for Ted DiBiase to life in prison


Speaking of Ted DiBiase, Money Inc are ready to stack the Legion of Doom up like dummies


Bret Hart v Louie Spicolli: Bret's WWF Intercontinental title is not on the line here. They're pushing the narrative of Papa Shango putting a curse on Bret pretty hard here, though thankfully that didn't factor into the actual match at SummerSlam in any real way. I'm glad they were able to contain themselves from booking an interference finish, especially considering the finish of the WWF Title match on the same show. Vince also notes that Bruce Hart doesn't believe Bret will win at SummerSlam, so it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that Bret will lose now. True. If you can't believe Bruce Hart, who can you believe? Vince is also pushing the match as a classic before it even happens, though at least he wasn't off this time (even if I find it to be overrated personally). Sharpshooter finishes at 2:43. ¼*


World Tour '92 is coming to Coliseum Video soon. It 'ironically' features a profile on the British Bulldog, notes Vince. Ironic how?


SummerSlam Report with Gene Okerlund. And it's hard sell galore time


Rick Martel v Justin Taylor: Thank goodness Vince hadn't discovered his Shawn Michaels infatuation yet, because can you imagine 1996 doing commentary selling this 'no hitting in the face' stipulation? Sensational Sherri splitscreens in to offer her thoughts, and even SHE seems to be keeping it in her pants better than 1996 Vince would be. Martel actually gives Taylor quite a bit here, with Justin getting a few nearfalls on him before falling prey to the Boston Crab at 2:12. Vince dubs him the 'intercontinental model,' which I'm sure is just as good as Intercontinental champion. ¼*


Repo Man will use astromony to beat Crush at SummerSlam


WWF Tag Team Champions The Natural Disasters don't have much to say, but they sure say it loudly


BUExperience: When this show is directionless? It can be a bit trying. But when they have a big show to hype the shit out of? That’s my jam.*


*not the same ‘jam’ Bret Hart sometimes speaks of

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