Wednesday, September 22, 2021

WWF Superstars (February 27, 1993)

Original Airdate: February 27, 1993 (taped January 25)


From San Jose, California; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Randy Savage, and Jerry Lawler


Ray Rougeau catches up with Doink outside his locker room to let him know that he's in for a serious beating tonight when Big Boss Man gets his hands on him, but Doink tells him to blow it out his... nose


Yokozuna v Brian West: Lawler notes that he got off the phone with the 'emperor of Japan' earlier today, who is a big Yokozuna fan. I know Vince has a reputation for being out of touch sometimes, but what year did they think it was? Meanwhile, Savage complains about Yokozuna putting his 'good friend' Jim Duggan on the shelf, though obviously Crush was too busy doing whatever he does in Hawaii to keep that in mind. But then, given what we've found out about Crush's, um, antics during his spare time, maybe that makes more sense than we though. Banzai Drop finishes at 1:43. The crowd was still oohing and ahhing with every big move at this point, and he was clearly destined to be a big star, and probably would have been an even bigger one if he could have kept his weight under control. ¼*


Jim Duggan's dad phones in to note that he wants Jim back in the ring as soon as possible. Yeah, I'd want him out of the house again too. Can you imagine trying to have a nice, peaceful breakfast with that guy marching around the table in his underwear with his 2x4, calling your wife 'tough guy' and eating your bagels. Fuck that!


Mr. Perfect isn't impressed with Lex Luger's muscles. Okay, but what does he think of Gary Strydom?


The Headshrinkers are ready to remember the Steiner Brothers. Maybe they can start by recalling all those times they jobbed to them in WCW


Rougeau brings Giant Gonzalez out for an interview, and where the fuck is Mean Gene? Was he having one of his famous contract negotiations, or something? And it's not like I've got any specific issue with Ray (he's fine), but he's no Gene Okerlund. Great camera angles here to maximize how imposing Giant looks out there. It's just too bad he couldn't deliver in the ring


The Nasty Boys v Mark Ming and Jim Gorman: They're still selling us the Nasties as challengers to Money Inc's tag title at WrestleMania, though clearly that wasn't going to happen. Jerry Sags with the flying elbowdrop at 2:23. Poor Savage for having to sit through that. DUD


Last Monday night on RAW, Vince McMahon brought Hulk Hogan out for an in-ring interview, and he wants Money Inc, brother! But he doesn't want them alone! He wants to share the load with his friend-to-the-end! Beefcake joins them (complete with makeup to sell the face injury), but that's not enough! How about Money Inc manager Jimmy Hart, brother?! Hart joins them as well, and they're the Mega Maniacs now, brother! Not a bad segment to get Hogan back into the mix - especially with Vince McMahon's exaggerated (almost orgasmic) facial expressions. The crowd was into him as well, but saddling him with the Beefcake/Hart stuff felt like a mistake right from the get-go. Keeping him away from the world title picture was fine, but bringing him back for a big singles feud (like, say, with Yokozuna) would have been a better use of him anyway


Big Boss Man v Doink the Clown: This one was taped on January 26 in Fresno California. They actually taped a match during the San Jose taping, but then it was scrapped for some reason, and re-shot the next day. And, oddly enough, they actually acknowledge that this is from a different taping, with different announcers (Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan). Doink attacks before the bell, and drops him with a neckbreaker, then chokes him down with a chinlock. Drop-toehold sets up a half-crab, and Doink shifts it into an STF. Side suplex gets two, as Heenan continues doing the 'I know him from somewhere, but can't put my finger on it' bit about Doink. Was that ever going anywhere, or was it some weird inside joke that's going over my head? Because, as far as I know, Heenan and Matt Borne didn't have any pre-WWF interactions that they're trying to reference. Doink works the arm, but a trip to the top ends badly when Boss Man slams him off, and he makes a comeback! Boss Man delivers an avalanche, so Doink finds something in his pocket, and squirts green liquid in Boss Man's eyes to blind him with it for the pin at 4:15. But then the referee sees as the green juice covering the Boss Man, and decides to reverse the decision. That's odd, considering this would be Boss Man's last TV match in the WWF until 1998. ¼*


Gene Okerlund is in the studio with the WrestleMania IX Report


Lex Luger v Jim Powers: Powers tries using Luger's mirror for his own posing purposes before the bell, but Lex flips out, and blasts him with a clothesline to kick start the contest. Luger with a pair of corner whips to set up a powerslam, and a vertical suplex follows. Running forearm smash finishes at 1:30. Weird that they have Luger knocking guys out with that while wearing the arm pad that he'd so aggressively refuse later on. ¼*


Yokozuna is hungry for poutine


Undertaker is pretty pissed about Giant Gonzalez's whole deal


BUExperience: An odd episode this week, with lots of bits that weren't originally part of this show (even if they were)

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