Friday, November 17, 2023

WWF Superstars (November 5, 1994)


Original Airdate: November 5, 1994 (taped October 18)

From Burlington, Vermont; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

Tatanka v Billy Gunn: Why does Vince always refer to him as ‘Native American Tatanka,’ like that’s his full name? Billy gets a wristlock early on, but Tatanka throws a knee to escape, and he hammers on Gunn. Clothesline, but Gunn ducks, and takes Tatanka to the mat in a headlock for two. Gunn with a standing side-headlock, but Tatanka ducks a charge, and Billy goes flying over the top. Tatanka follows to hammer on him, and a bodyslam sets up an elbowdrop for two on the way back in. Tatanka with chops in the corner, and a cross corner whip rebounds Billy into a clothesline for two. Tatanka works a chinlock, but Gunn fights free, so Tatanka throws a knee to put him back down. Tatanka with a gutwrench suplex for two (and a sloppy one, at that), but Gunn blocks a flying tomahawk chop. Gunn makes a comeback, and he lands a backelbow for two. Inside cradle gets two, and a bodyslam sets up a dive, so Ted DiBiase distracts the referee. That allows Bam Bam Bigelow to run out and push Billy off the top rope, and Tatanka hooks the leg at 6:18. This was mostly watchable, just a little dull. ¾*

Todd Pettengill is in the studio for the Survivor Series Report, wearing a jacket that I’m pretty sure caused at least a few TVs from this era to crap out on their owners. So the Bret Hart/Bob Backlund WWF Title match is now officially a submission match, complete with towel rules, with Davey Boy Smith and Owen Hart in as the cornermen

Duke Droese v Barry Hardy: This is a really tiny venue this week, pretty embarrassingly small, honestly. It’s kind of amazing that they were still drawing such big crowds for the pay per views, though Survivor Series was in a small venue. Not embarrassingly so, but hardly the United Center or Madison Square Garden. Duke with a tilt-a-whirl slam at 2:04. And then afterwards, Backlund runs out and puts both guys in the crossface chickenwing, just because. DUD

Live Event News is a look at Randy Savage at a Columbus Day Parade in New York City

Diesel v Tim McNeany: We get a fan doing the ring announcing for this one. McNeany seems to be sandbagging Diesel a little here, not going up light for slams, and stuff. Diesel responds by creaming him with a big boot, and the powerbomb finishes at 1:32. He went up light for that one. DUD

Chuck Norris promises to handle the ‘toughest and the meanest’ of the WWF in his special enforcer duties at Survivor Series

Doink the Clown v Phil Apollo: Dink sprays Lawler with silly string during the entrances, and I know this will sound like a joke, but this is actually one of the better built matches for Survivor Series thus far. Or, maybe they’re doing a lot of the build for the other matches on RAW, and saving this one for Superstars, since more kids probably watch, given the timeslot. Doink with the Whoopie Cushion at 2:11. DUD

Todd is back for a second Survivor Series Report/kill whatever remaining TVs survived his first pass

Irwin R Schyster is again at the cemetery, cutting promos on headstones. Is he driving a minivan? I officially no longer take him seriously as a heel

Irwin R Schyster v Aaron Ferguson: I still don’t get how chanting the man’s name at him is somehow a taunt. IRS with a jumping clothesline at 1:12. He’s not getting paid by the hour, that’s for sure. DUD

Live Event News is a look at Razor Ramon retaining the WWF Intercontinental title via countout against Yokozuna on RAW

The Smoking Gunns show up on the video wall, complaining about Bam Bam’s interference earlier. And so they’re going to settle it next week, with a tag team match, playa

BUExperience: This was fine. This show is always good once they have pay per view direction, so this worked.

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