Tuesday, November 7, 2023

WWF Superstars (October 15, 1994)


Original Airdate: October 15, 1994 (taped September 27)

From Poughkeepsie, New York; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

Shawn Michaels and Diesel v Reno Riggins and Gary Scott: The WWF Tag Team gold is not on the line here. And meanwhile, Lawler brags about introducing ‘Queasy,’ his answer to Dink. That would, of course, kick off a midget arms race, of sorts, that would come to a head at Survivor Series. And then we get Charlie Minn split screening in, introducing himself as the newest member of the broadcast team. Shawn’s mullet is out of control here. Diesel with the powerbomb, setting up the pin for Shawn at 2:25. Good energy here. ¼*

Live Event News is Minn hyping the Hart Attack Tour. Minn is a total dud, just terrible 

Bob Holly v Mike Bell: Kind of odd that they make a point of introducing Bell as from Poughkeepsie, like they’re trying to get him a hometown pop, or something. Holly was a babyface! He’s also dressed like he’s in the nWo this week, which is a weird look for the colorful New Generation. Bob with a flying bodypress at 2:19. DUD

New Generation ad

Vince brings Arnold Skaaland, former manager of Bob Backlund, out to discuss why he threw in the towel for Bob back in 1983. This is another segment that I would have sworn took place a week or two after Bob’s heel turn, but here we are well into October. Arnold insists that he was just trying to do the right thing, trying to save Bob’s career. He notes that he hasn’t spoken to Bob since, which draws a fuming Backlund out to change that. Bob is stark raving mad here, and cuts a brilliant heel promo on Arnold. Skaaland offers an apology and a handshake, but Bob refuses, and puts him in the crossface chickenwing instead. Fantastic segment, as Bob continues to be amazing. His performances were so over the top, but rooted in such real emotion that it connected 

Doink the Clown v Corey Student: How much I wish that Carmella’s dad was this jobber. Student actually gets quite a bit in on Doink, before falling prey to the Whoopie Cushion at 1:49. What’s the over/under on Vince himself having his finger on the fart sound effect button? Afterwards, Doink continues the arm race by introducing Wink. This angle is silly, sure, but it was a good use of both guys, instead of wasting them on bigger acts. And the blowoff match was fun. DUD

Todd Pettengill hypes the debut of Action Zone. By making fun of NFL broadcasters. Right on brand for them during this period

Owen Hart promises to bring home the WWF Title on the debut episode of Action Zone

Owen Hart v Mike Park: Another squash with the jobber getting quite a bit in. What is this, Crockett? He’s also really tall, making Owen look pretty short. Odd that they’d book him against Hart. Owen with the Sharpshooter at 2:52. ¼*

Action Zone ad

Lex Luger v Tony DeVito: Vince clarifies that Tatanka is a heel because he took Ted DiBiase’s ‘dirty’ money. Pretty sure all cash is pretty filthy, there have been studies done. No need to specifically insult poor Ted’s bankroll. Meanwhile, they also announce that Holly, furious over what happened to Skaaland earlier, has challenged Backlund to a match next week. Lex with the torture rack at 2:11. They should really have at least given Lex a tag title run with Bulldog, or something. He was wasted. DUD

Yokozuna v Jason Storm: We learn that Backlund has accepted Holly’s challenge for next week. I like when they do these little mini angles that play out on single tapings, and air over the course of a couple of weeks on the same show, with little to no crossover with the other shows. Yokozuna with a belly-to-belly suplex at 0:53. Afterwards, Paul Bearer wheels a casket out to mess with Yokozuna’s head. Well, good for him, we all need hobbies. Undertaker disappeared for months at a time, what was he supposed to do, sit home and sell pillows? DUD 

Live Event News gives Minn another chance to earn his pay, with a look at Randy Savage at the Coalition of Italo-American Associations Leadership Awards dinner. Apparently he was palling around with Rudy Giuliani. Minn trying to do Todd’s brand of comedy is really terrible. Not that Todd is so funny to begin with, but he makes it work

Holly shows up on the video wall to cut a promo on Backlund, and apparently Bob has a habit of pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them up if they annoy him on the road. Yeah, not sure that’s something to brag about, Bob

BUExperience: The Backlund segment was tremendous (as pretty much everything he’s been involved in since the turn has been), the rest was okay.

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