Wednesday, April 10, 2024

NWA (JCP) World Championship Wrestling (May 24, 1986)


Original Airdate: May 24, 1986 (taped May 18)

From Atlanta, Georgia; Your Hosts are Tony Schiavone and David Crockett

NWA World Champion Ric Flair is out, and he’s really happy for Dusty Rhodes and the Road Warriors for winning the NWA Six-Man Tag Team title, but none of them are the world champion, because Ric is still the man. And he’s going to show Hawk what that’s all about in Philadelphia 

Steve Regal v George South: This is Regal’s debut, and JJ Dillon comes out to scout, doing guest commentary in the process. That was a really aggressive split screen for Dillon there, blocking out half the match. Regal with an elbowdrop at 3:43. DUD

NWA United States Champion Magnum TA is out, and he’s feeling pretty good about the Russians losing the Six-Man title

Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff are out, and they’re feeling considerably less good. But, they’ve been granted a rematch

Jimmy Garvin v Lee Peek: For all his flash, which is great, Garvin’s actual ring gear is extremely boring. Jimmy with a brainbuster at 0:59. Afterwards, Garvin thinks Wahoo McDaniel is a cockroach. DUD

Nikita Koloff v Bob Owens: Tony actually says that Koloff is ‘overweight,’ which, what? Also, Owens stupidly sneak attacks, and though he gets a little traction, he’s quick to get clobbered with a pair of Sickles at 1:02. Serves him right for the sneak attack. DUD

Wahoo McDaniel v Butch Cooper: Wahoo looks good and pissed this week. McDaniel with a suplex at 2:05. Breezing through the squashes this week, bless them. DUD

NWA National Champion Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon are out, and not feeling the whole taped fist thing. No retort from me, I agree wholeheartedly. Fuck that sticky shit

The Rock 'n' Roll Express v Bill Mulkey and Randy Mulkey: I have a feeling our breezy squash run is about to be replaced with four minutes of armbars. Ricky Morton with a backslide at 3:35. Hey! DUD

Shaska Whatley v David Dillinger: I’m still wondering if this dude is Doug Dillinger’s brother. Whatley with a vertical superplex at 3:21. DUD

The Road Warriors and Paul Ellering are out to celebrate the Six-Man title win, and Baby Doll stops by to flirt, reminding Jim Cornette that the Warriors are her muscle. Good segment here

Jim Cornette is out, and he’s laughing off the fact that Baby Doll wants a match with him, a man. But, if that’s what she wants, he’ll gladly give it to her

The Midnight Express v Tony Zane and Mike Somaini: The NWA World Tag Team title is not on the line here, and Cornette sticks around on commentary, naturally. Dennis Condrey with the Russian facebuster at 3:48. DUD

The Road Warriors v Larry Clarke and Paul Garner: Well, you can always count on the Warriors to blow through a squash quickly. And, indeed, Hawk uses an overhead backbreaker drop at 2:50. DUD

Magnum TA, Dusty Rhodes, and Baby Doll are out, and they can’t figure out why Cornette is so mad at those mysterious James Boys. Dusty, as usual, is awesome to listen to, and he legitimately cracks his scene partners up here

Ron Garvin v Thunderfoot: What the fuck is this piece of shit? A wrestler or a stick of gum? I don’t know, but let’s spit it out either way. He looks like a character from some non-branded wrestling arcade game you’d see in a Pizza Hut in 1991. Meanwhile, JJ Dillon swings by to do commentary, mocking Garvin. Ron with a somersault cradle at 5:35. Unacceptable! DUD

Ric Flair and Arn Anderson v Rocky Kernodle and Italian Stallion: I complain a lot about this show, but the promotion in general was great, and they were always amazing at making the world title seem like a huge deal. Flair has so many different angles and programs he’s involved with all at once, with legitimate challengers from all sides. It’s just too bad this two hour squash show is the flagship program. Flair with the figure four on Stallion at 6:45. Afterwards, Flair calls out the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express, but that quickly blows up in their faces when the Express come out! They initially dominate the Horsemen, but end up getting destroyed for their trouble, and need to be helped out by a bunch of babyfaces. DUD

Barbarian v Ron Rossi: Shaska Whatley does commentary for this one, and he doesn’t want to talk about the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express getting their asses kicked, he wants to tell Jimmy Valiant that he sucks. Well, he’s not wrong. Barbarian with a flying headbutt drop at 4:02. DUD

Steve Regal is out to introduce himself, and establish himself as a heel

Baron von Raschke v Rocky King: Baron is another terrible character I have no patience for. He uses the claw at 5:24. I don’t like him and he overstays his welcome. What a guy. DUD

Flair and Anderson are back out to gloat about putting the hurt on the Express earlier

Cornette is back to complain about the James Boys

Jimmy Valiant v Gene Ligon: Valiant puts it away quickly at 0:24. Afterwards, Valiant swings by the desk to say… stuff. Crack addict stuff. DUD

BUExperience: Not really a lot of note this week.

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