Tuesday, April 30, 2024

WWF Superstars (September 9, 1995)

Original Airdate: September 9, 1995 (taped August 28)

From Canton, Ohio; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

Jean-Pierre LaFitte v Man Mountain Rock: Lawler back on commentary is a welcome change. I’m not into the Dok Hendrix act, never was. And speaking of ‘changes,’ this is the debut of the new opening theme, which I’m surprised happened this far into 1995. Also, new graphics with the wrestlers’ names. LaFitte tries for a takedown, but no luck, and Rock clotheslines him over the top after a shoulderblock. Rock brings him back in with a suplex from the apron, but an avalanche misses, and LaFitte delivers a bulldog. LaFitte hammers him into the ropes for a pair of bodypresses, but a third bodypress after Rock gets out of the ropes gets caught. Rock tries to turn it into a bodslam, but LaFitte shifts his weight, and topples Rock for two. Chinlock, but Rock quickly escapes, and uses a sunset flip for two. LaFitte cuts him off with a facebuster, but a corner whip gets reversed, and Rock uses an overhead suplex. Rock tries a 2nd rope splash, but misses, and LaFitte delivers a legdrop. That allows him to go upstairs, and a flying somersault senton splash finishes at 4:17. Solid enough for the four minutes they had to work with. * ¾ 

Todd Pettengill is in the studio for the In Your House Report

WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels/Sycho Sid feud review, ahead of their showdown for the title this Monday on RAW. They did a good job of making Sid look like a monster here, glossing over the entire spring and summer of him running away from Diesel at every turn

1-2-3 Kid v Dean Douglas: This is Dean's TV debut. Kid looks to land a strike at the bell, but Douglas hides in the ropes. Dean manages to pound Kid into the corner after engaging, and a cross corner whip rattles the ring. Dean with a well executed bodyslam, but a clothesline misses, and Kid lands a spinkick. Kid with a series of kicks in the corner, and a spinheel kick sends Douglas to the outside. Kid stays on him with a slingshot somersault senton on the floor, so Douglas tries a suplex him out of the ring, but Kid reverses it back in. Kid heads up for a flying somersault senton, but Douglas dodges, and delivers a side suplex. Dean stays on him with an elbowdrop, and a snapmare allows him a chinlock. Kid fights free, and tries a backdrop, but Douglas uses a swinging neckbreaker for two to block. Dean with a slingshot atomic drop to set up a somersault necksnap for two, as Razor Ramon makes his way out, annoyed that Douglas keeps pulling Kid up at two. Dean punches him (and rightly so, mind your own business, Ramon), which allows Kid a schoolboy for two. But then Razor just comes in and attacks Douglas for the DQ at 6:34, to really put him over big in his debut. The match was solid before the bullshit ending, but at least it was being used to set up the pay per view match between Douglas and Ramon, so it had a purpose. And it also helped build another angle, as Kid chews Ramon out after the match, which led to his heel turn later. * ¾

Goldust vignette

WrestleMania XI: The Special ad  

Yokozuna and Owen Hart v AC Connor and Tony Williams: The WWF Tag Team title is not on the line here. Vince is very excited about the WrestleMania special. It’s going to be on FOX! At 11:30! PM! On a Saturday! Not quite the flex he seems to think it is. Hard to believe that just three short years later and one of these jobbers would be stablemates with Owen. Speaking of ‘hard to believe,’ Yoko is so big at this point that it’s hard to reconcile him with the guy who came in three short years earlier. Rule of threes. Williams, meanwhile, seems to be using one of Dusty Rhodes’ old elbowpads as his tights this week. Hart with a somersault cradle at 2:17. DUD

Backstage, Tatanka taunts Shawn Michaels

WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Shawn Michaels v Tatanka: Shawn taunts Tatanka back here, though he resorts to some pretty racially insensitive methods. The 90s were a different time. Tatanka hammers him a bit, but Shawn uses a rana into mounted punches, and a flying axehandle finds the mark. Another rana, but Tatanka is ready with a powerbomb this time, and he unloads some mounted punches of his own. Clothesline, but Michaels ducks, so Tatanka tosses him over the top instead. Shawn beats the count, so Tatanka welcomes him in with a bodyslam, and he puts the boots to the champion. Into the corner for chops, and a cross corner whip rattles the ring. Another one leads to a gutwrench suplex for two, as Sycho Sid makes his way out to ringside. Tatanka with a bodyslam, but Shawn escapes a chinlock, so Tatanka uses another slam. That sets up a dive, but Michaels gets a boot up to block, and he makes a comeback. The cross corner whip into the jumping forearm was a great sequence that I have no idea why he stopped using. Shawn was really weird with a lot of stuff like that… like, did he ever use a Saito suplex again after 1994? Even once? Michaels with a superkick at 7:28, for a huge pop. A pretty basic match, but Michaels was really connecting with the audience during this period, and his charisma made his every performance a must see. *

Todd is back with another In Your House Report 

BUExperience: A pretty good and eventful episode this week, as RAW getting preempted made Superstars the A-show by default.


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