Sunday, April 7, 2024

WWF Superstars (August 19, 1995)


Original Airdate: August 19, 1995 (taped August 15)

From Portland, Maine; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Dok Hendrix

Razor Ramon v Roy Raymond: Razor’s got the Green Bay Packers tribute gear this week. And not much else of note, as he just goes through the motions with his squash, finishing with the Razor’s Edge at 1:58. DUD

Todd Pettengill is in the studio for the SummerSlam Insider. Despite his usual ability to get behind literally anything and make it sound interesting, he sounds like he’s openly mocking the booking here with lines like ‘Bret Hart faces Jerry Lawler’s dentist,’ or ‘Barry Horowitz on a WWF pay per view?’ I dig it

The Blu Brothers v Tim McNeany and Paul Van Dale: Joined in the progress, with the entrances cut out once again. What was the deal with that here. My guess is that it has to do with something they don’t want airing on the Network version, but I can’t imagine what would qualify week after week in the summer of ‘95. The Brothers with a combo at 1:33. DUD

Kama v Bert Centeno: Undertaker’s ‘creatures of the night’ are in the crowd to mess with Kama again. Undertaker really had the best ‘phone in the build’ deal in the world in the mid-90s. Also, again, how the hell did the ‘it’s Stephanie and Shane’ rumors get even a modicum of traction? Not even a slight resemblance! Kama with a pump-splash at 1:34. Kama looked pretty awkward this week. Afterwards, the male creature tries to scoop up the pieces of the wreath Kama tore, and earns himself a beating. The lights start flashing, however, and Kama hightails it out of there. Seriously, master of the phone in! DUD

Goldust vignette. Finally, more than just a teaser. I remember one of my dad’s friends blowing my mind by telling me that it was Dustin Rhodes. I didn’t recognize him at all, and couldn’t believe it for the longest time. He’s committed here, though he was still finding the character at this point

Fatu v Phil Apollo: This gimmick was death. I get wanting to move on from the ‘Samoan savage’ gimmick, but it was such an abrupt change, and on top of that, such a lame one, that there was no way it would work. Probably doesn’t help that Fatu spends half the match getting brow beaten by the jobber. Fatu with a cutter to set up a flying splash at 2:15. DUD

Dean Douglas vignette. Once again, his target is Shawn Michaels. Well, playing the hits, I see. Need more ‘Dick Flair’ references

Interim President Gorilla Monsoon announces that, as punishment for attacking the creature of the night earlier, he’s making the Undertaker/Kama match at SummerSlam a casket match

Mabel v Bam Bam Bigelow: Mabel attacks before the bell, but Bigelow fights him off, and delivers a pair of clotheslines, before taking him down with a jumping version. A corner whip sets up a corner dropkick, and a cross corner whip leads to a charge, but Mabel is ready with a scrapbuster for two. Mabel with a cross corner whip,and he hammers Bigelow with axehandles, while looking like he’s trying not to trip over his own feet. Mabel with a sloppy backdrop, and he goes to a nervehold. Bam Bam escapes, but misses an enzuigiri, and Mabel lands one of his own for two. A criss cross ends in a double knockout spot, but Mabel is up first. One avalanche works, but a second misses, and Bigelow lands the enzuigiri. Mo tries to interfere, but gets nailed, and Bigelow goes up for a dive, but ends up falling off the top. That allows Mabel a belly-to-belly suplex at 5:15. Pretty weak way to put Mabel over there, just ahead of SummerSlam. Also, Mabel looked terrible here, though Bigelow was working hard to make it work. ½*

Isaac Yankem vignette. I feel like everything about this is one massive HIPAA violation 

Bob Holly v Jason Ahrndt: We get a fan doing the ring announcing here. Hendrix notes that Holly has ‘all the tools’ but needs to find a ‘mean streak’ if he wants to go anywhere. Yeah, pretty sure that won’t be a problem. Weird bit here, as the the match randomly cuts away, and comes back with no commentary for a few seconds. There is something weird going on with these Network versions, and I wish I could put my finger on it. Holly with a flying bodypress at 2:28. DUD

Todd is back with a second SummerSlam Insider

BUExperience: A pretty lackluster episode this week. Oddly, this one felt like it was in the can forever, despite being taped only a few days prior to airing.

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