Thursday, April 11, 2024

WWF Superstars (September 2, 1995)


Original Airdate: September 2, 1995 (taped August 29)

From Erie, Pennsylvania; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Dok Hendrix

Bam Bam Bigelow v John Faulkner: Bigelow was kind of directionless at this point. He had the WrestleMania main event, stuck around in the King of the Ring main event, and then just sort of plummeted down the card. I wouldn’t have expected him to become a bonafide main eventer, but he ended up in a worse position than he was in before the big push. Bigelow with a flying moonsault at 2:26. DUD

Todd Pettengill is in the studio for the final SummerSlam Insider. SummerSlam is barely on the books, and Todd’s already announcing the triple header main event for In Your House

Bret Hart is fuming about the ‘demented tooth fairy,’ and he’s coming to get his jacket back from Jean-Pierre LaFitte. I get his issue with LaFitte, but what’s his beef with Rock?

Jean-Pierre LaFitte v Rodney Anoui: Hendrix rightly notes that if someone stole something from him, he’d be on that guy, not complaining from a distance. Logic - nice way to make Bret look weak. Is this jobber supposed to be a rib on Yokozuna? Are they related in some way? LaFitte with a flying somersault senton splash at 2:38. LaFitte looked a little less fired up than usual this week. Afterwards, LaFitte steals a pair of Hitman shades from a kid in the crowd, but Bret himself shows up to brawl with him. There we go! DUD

Dean Douglas critiques the ladder match from SummerSlam. Kind of rich to think of Douglas, of all people, having anything to say about that one

Henry Godwinn v AC Connor: Godwinn is officially a babyface now. Ted DiBiase shows up in the aisle during this, allowing Connor to gets control for a bit, but takes the inverted DDT at 2:19. Afterwards, King Kong Bundy runs out to grab Godwinn so DiBiase can slop him, but Henry sidesteps, and Bundy takes a face full. I kind of forgot Bundy was still around at this point. DUD

Vince brings Davey Boy Smith out to find out why Bulldog turned on WWF Champion Diesel, and Smith has a new manager now: Jim Cornette. That goes along nicely with his new heel look, which includes short hair, and long tights. Cornette complains that Davey got sick of carrying Lex Luger, and apparently carries a grudge that the fans chant ‘USA’ at him. He’s from England, they might as well chant ‘Bolivia!’ That was a great line. Jim also notes that Bulldog is sick of being treated like the resident ‘nice guy’ who never gets a shot at the big time. Hell of a promo from Cornette here

Bret Hart v Waylon Mercy: Bret really started phoning in his gear most of the time after losing the title in 1994. It’s still decent here (we’re not yet in the oversized logo period), but a big step down already. Posturing to start, dominated by Mercy. He takes Bret down in the corner for a choke, but a charge misses, and Hart goes after the arm. Mercy manages a bodyslam, but an elbowdrop misses, and Hart uses an armdrag into an armbar. Mercy fights him off, and manages a scrapbuster for two. He tosses Bret to the outside, and he ropechokes the Hitman on the way back in. Hart fires off a small package for two, but Mercy quickly cuts him off, and bashes Hart’s face into the mat a few times. Piledriver, but Bret backdrops to block, though Mercy cuts him off again. Mercy tries a vertical suplex, but Bret reverses, and dives off the middle with a clothesline for two. Bret with a Russian legsweep to set up a 2nd rope pointed elbowdrop for two, and a backbreaker follows, only for Jean-Pierre LaFitte to run in for the DQ at 8:31. This was mostly fine. Afterwards, Bret tries to fight LaFitte, but Mercy joins in, and Hart gets double teamed. ¾*

Todd is back with another final SummerSlam Insider. Which ends up just being an In Your House report. Why not just call it that, then? Were they just really excited about the Diesel background, and didn’t want to give it up? Actually, yeah, probably 

BUExperience: Pretty good stuff this week, as they come out of SummerSlam with guns blazing.

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