Friday, December 30, 2022

WWF Shotgun Saturday Night (February 1, 1997)

Original Airdate: February 1, 1997

From New York, New York; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Sunny

Todd Pettengill opens the show by reminiscing about the very first episode of Shotgun (all of a month ago), when Vader and Paul Bearer show up, rummaging through dumpsters, looking for Mankind

Ahmed Johnson v Vader: Mankind sits in on commentary for this one. Vader coming out in a sweatshirt (since he made his entrance directly from the street) is a cool touch. This show just feels so different. Vader goes to the eyes and unloads in the corner to start, and a short-clothesline connects, but Ahmed doesn’t go down for it. Vader tries again, but Ahmed can’t take the hint, so Vader just punches him in the head, and that takes Johnson off of his feet. Ahmed pulls himself up, so Vader does it again, but Ahmed turns the tables in the corner. Johnson with a corner splash, and a spinebuster rattles the ring, so Vader bails. That draws Mankind into the ring, and Vader capitalizes on the distraction, putting Ahmed down. Vader works him over, and an avalanche leads to the flying moonsault, but Ahmed goes low before the big guy can leap. Ahmed makes a comeback, and goes for the Pearl River Plunge, but Mankind comes in again for the DQ at 7:59. Both guys had it in low, low gear here. As much as I like it, this show - with its location, bell time, and ring size - is just not conducive to good matches. ¼*

Todd catches up with the Headbangers, who are looking to party with Jordan Belfort

Davey Boy Smith v Mankind: Mankind would prefer to stay on commentary, and offers the spot to anyone else in the back looking for something to do (“I think I saw Aldo Montoya back there”), but Bulldog forces him into the ring. Davey puts the boots to him in the corner, and they spill to the outside for more of the same. Mankind tries to go back to commentary, but Bulldog is on him, but Mankind wins a slugfest when Smith tries dragging him back to the ring. Mankind with an elbowdrop for two, and he works a chinlock from there, but Davey powers to a vertical base, and Mankind takes a bump to the outside - banging his leg into the nightclub stage in the process. That seemed unnecessarily dangerous for this nothing show, but that’s Mick Foley for you. Bulldog works the leg, but Mankind starts choking him, and Bulldog ends up in the pit between the ring and stage. Inside, Mankind covers for two, as Todd tries to get an interview with Savio Vega in the crowd. Stop salting his game, Pettengill. Mankind with a legdrop for two, as Vader makes his way to ringside. Mankind with a backdrop for two, and he goes back to the chinlock, but a piledriver out on the stage gets countered with a backdrop. Cue an attack from Vader on the floor, and that allows Mankind the pin at 9:05. This had the usual stupid bumps from Mankind going for it, and nothing else. Afterwards, Ahmed makes the save for Bulldog, but ends up getting into a fight with him as a thank you, as Mankind and Vader laugh it up with Pettengill. ¼*

Savio Vega v Jesse James: The Godwinns are hanging out at ringside, and Phineas sits in on commentary. Vega attacks before the bell, and hammers on Jesse in the corner. Cross corner spinheel kick finds the mark, as Vince claims that there were fears of a riot at MSG when Savio turned on Ahmed Johnson. There’s puffing, and there’s outright lying, and he’s on the wrong side of it. James manages a bodypress for two, but gets clobbered again, and Vega works an armbar. James escapes, and uses a sunset flip for two, but Savio cuts him off again. Clothesline gets Vega a two count, but he argues the count, and James schoolboys for two. Vega cuts him off again, and delivers a piledriver for two. Nervehold wears James down for a hiptoss, and Vega works a chinlock from there. Vega continues working James over in dull fashion, as Godwinn gets on Sunny’s last nerve. Maybe she should flash him again? Vega misses a corner splash, allowing Jesse to make a comeback, and a ten-punch count gets him two. Has that ever resulted in a pin attempt before? Or after, for that matter? Jesse fails to put it away, and Vega spinkicks him at 8:38. This show is at its best when they lean into the chaos, but these two were working like they’re booked on a house show in Iowa somewhere. ¼*

Todd is still hanging with the Headbangers, who are vomiting on one another as a party game. Belfort don’t play that

The Godwinns v The Headbangers: Henry Godwinn and Thrasher start, with Henry dominating. Over to Phineas Godwinn to work the arm, so Thrasher hides in the ropes, and passes to Mosh. Mosh works a wristlock, but Phineas reverses, and passes back to Henry for a backdrop. Hiptoss follows, and both men tag out, as the announcers hype up next week's episode in Penn Station. That’s a pretty legendary one, though I’ve never actually seen it in full. The Headbangers get control with a combo, and they work Phineas over. The ceiling is so low here that Mosh nearly bumps his head while doing a dive off the top rope at one point. Which, by the way, is the only notable moment of this boring heat segment. Thrasher telegraphs a backdrop, allowing Phineas to nail him, and Henry gets the tag - Roseanne Barr the door. They end up spilling into the crowd, and start brawling around the club for a double countout at 9:06. DUD

BUExperience: A total nothing episode.

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