Thursday, July 20, 2023

NWA (ECW) Eastern Championship Wrestling (December 21, 1993)

Original Airdate: December 21, 1993

Your Host is Joey Styles from the studio

Shane Douglas v Tommy Dreamer: From Philadelphia Pennsylvania on December 4 1993. Joined in progress with Shane delivering a swinging neckbreaker, and then dumping Dreamer front-first across the top rope to send Tommy to the outside. Douglas follows to the outside to ram Dreamer’s taped ribs into the apron, and Shane gets an abdominal stretch on as they go back inside. Douglas with a corner whip and a stomachbreaker for two, and a side suplex leads to a bodyscissors. Dreamer escapes, and tries a slam, but Shane topples for two. Tommy manages a pair of inverted atomic drops to set up a clothesline, and he chokes Shane with his torn rib tape. Dreamer with a cross corner whip to send Shane flipping over the top to the floor, and Tommy follows, throwing him onto the timekeeper’s table, and whacking him with a chair. Inside, Dreamer delivers a leg-feed enzuigiri for one, and another cross corner whip leads to a bodyslam, but the referee gets bumped in the process, and there’s no one to count. Tommy goes to revive him, which allows Shane to pull a chain out of his boot, and he knocks Dreamer silly. Douglas then wraps it around Tommy’s hand, which the referee spots as he’s waking up, and calls a DQ on Dreamer at 8:13 shown. I’m not sure how much was cut, but it looked pretty complete. And it was a solid match that felt significantly more professional than a lot of the other stuff going on in the promotion. * ¼ 

Jay Sulli is backstage with Tod Gordon, who is willing to prostitute himself for the fans

Terry Funk comes out, demanding Sabu. That leads to Axl Rotten and Ian Rotten wheeling ‘Sabu’ out on a gurney (actually some jobber), and Funk kicks the shit out of him. That leads to Paul E Dangerously coming out and throwing a fit (complete with calling Funk some words that I assume were not very welcome on whatever local station this originally aired on), but he runs off before Funk can get his hands on him. This was a pretty good segment

ECW Tag Team Title Match: Kevin Sullivan and Tazmaniac v Mike Vee and Stormin' Norman: From Philadelphia Pennsylvania on December 4 1993. Tazmaniac dumps Vee to the outside right away, where Kevin is waiting with a chair. Tazmaniac goes to work on Norman on the inside, and he tags Kevin in officially. He bases Norman’s head into the mat a bunch of time, and a double stomp connects. Back to Tazmaniac for a headbutt, and he ties Norman in a tree of woe for some double teaming, so Vee throws in the towel at 1:46. The finish wasn’t terrible, but it didn’t come off well at under two minutes into a match. ¼*

Paul E sings a taunt song aimed at Funk to the tune of Silent Night. That was actually pretty good!

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Terry Funk, Ian Rotten, and Axl Rotten v Sandman, Salvatore Bellomo, and JT Smith: From Philadelphia Pennsylvania on December 4 1993. Big brawl right away, and everyone just goes crazy, as the lights go on and off an random for whatever reason. Funk and the Rotten’s isolate and abuse Smith, and Rockin’ Rebel shows up to get involved. A bunch of other guys come out as well, and it’s just a big bench clearing brawl again, like last week. I guess it’s a no-contest at around 7:00? DUD

BUExperience: There are good elements, but the overall product is such shit at this point.

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