Saturday, July 8, 2023

WWF Superstars (May 14, 1994)

Original Airdate: May 14, 1994 (taped April 13)

From Rochester, New York; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

We open with Vince bringing WWF Champion Bret Hart out for a podium interview, taped at some other event. I’m not sure where/when this was taped, but I’d guess it was at the next Superstars taping in Albany New York on April 28. Bret is ready for Owen’s challenges on the (worldwide) WrestleMania Revenge Tour, and he’ll accept WWF Intercontinental Champion Diesel’s challenge for a shot at King of the Ring. This wasn’t anything outstanding, but it was solid work, and I’ve always enjoyed Bret’s less flashy, more grounded promo/interview style

Kwang v Tony Outter: According to Vince, Kwang is doing ‘exceedingly well’ in the WWF. Has he ever beaten anyone beyond jobber level? Like, anyone? Even Outter here gives him some trouble before going down at 1:28. DUD

Live Event News recaps the sumo feud between Yokozuna and Earthquake, and apparently Earthquake has a legitimate background as a sumo in Japan

King of the Ring Tournament Qualifying Match: Pierre v Mabel: Pierre attacks as Mabel climbs through the ropes, and he goes to town in the corner. Cross corner whip, but Mabel reverses, only to miss an avalanche. That allows Pierre to go upstairs with a flying dropkick for two, but another trip upstairs ends in Mabel slamming him off. With authority! Mabel with a bodyslam to set up a 2nd rope splash, but Pierre dodges, and he goes up with a flying legdrop for two. Pierre stupidly tries a bodyslam of his own from there, but gets toppled for two. Mabel adds a scrapbuster from there, and Pierre is done at 2:57. This was really energetic and decent, just too short to get going. * ¾ 

Todd Pettengill is in the studio with the King of the Ring Report

Doink the Clown v Major Yates: We get a fan doing the guest ring announcing, and the kid actually does a great job, instead of mumbling his way through it like usually happens. He also looks at Doink and Dink like they’re complete jokes, so clearly he’s cool as fuck. The Whoopie Cushion finishes at 1:54. DUD

Earlier today, Ted DiBiase arrived, along with his latest acquisition, Nikolai Volkoff. Getting their money's worth out of that limousine rental from earlier in the taping, I see

Earthquake v AC Conner: Conner is a young D-lo Brown. The seats throughout the arena have dramatically emptied between the last match and this one, making me think this was shot either at the very end of the taping, or at the very start while the fans were still shuffling in. Yokozuna split screens in to hype the sumo match, as the Earthquake Splash finishes up at 2:07. DUD

King of the Ring ad

Some guys at a public pool claim to have seen Undertaker. What kind of swim shorts do you think he would wear? 

Nikolai Volkoff v Duane Gill: This is Volkoff’s first televised match for the WWF since the 1992 Royal Rumble, and first singles match on TV for them since November of 1990. And he’s getting a quality jobber, too! This is DiBiase’s first foray into managing, and really shooting for the throat right away. Seriously though, why wouldn’t he go to IRS to start if he wanted to venture into managing? Why start with a near fifty year old Volkoff? Vince hypes up the first ever Hall of Fame induction ceremony for King of the Ring weekend here, which only lasted for a couple of years, before making a major comeback in the mid-2000s. Volkoff with a clothesline at 2:45. Volkoff was energetic enough, but he looked terrible out there. DUD

Duke Droese vignette. Nice play on the old Mr Perfect ones here, as well as the then-recent Michael Jordan/Larry Bird McDonalds ad

Tatanka v Gus Kantarakis: Odd to hear Vince refer to Irwin R Schyster as a ‘government official.’ I thought they always left that aspect of the character kind of unspoken. Gus tries attacking before the bell, but you can guess how well that goes for captain underpants here. Tatanka with a Samoan drop at 2:35. DUD

Live Event News with highlights of a recent WrestleMania Revenge Tour stop in Boston. Looked like a fun show

Jeff Jarrett comes out to hype his King of the Ring Qualifier against Lex Luger on next week’s show

BUExperience: The Qualifier was pretty decent, and I thought the rest flew by. Certainly nothing special, but fine.

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