Wednesday, July 19, 2023

WWF Superstars (June 11, 1994)

Original Airdate: June 11, 1994 (taped May 25)

From Erie, Pennsylvania; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

The Smoking Gunns v Yokozuna and Crush: I like to imagine that Yoko and Crush bonded over losing their WrestleMania matches, and that’s why they formed an official team to challenge for the tag title. Though, what real reason did they have to deserve one? This right here is literally the first match they ever worked as a team on TV. And even if you count house shows, they only worked two matches before this aired - both losses! The Gunns run in to kick start the match, and they clean house. They use double team tactics to dominate Crush once the dust settles, but Yokozuna pulls the top rope down as Bart Gunn criss crosses, and Bart takes a bump to the outside. That turns the tide, and the heels work Bart over. Yokozuna misses an avalanche to allow the hot tag to Billy Gunn, and the crowd is into the Gunns here. Billy runs wild, and Roseanne Barr the door. Yokozuna manages to dump Bart out of the ring, and the heels double up to slow Billy down. That allows Crush a press-slam, and Yokozuna punctuates it with a legdrop at 8:39. This was fine. *

LIve Event News shares that those goofy WWF Unbelievable ads apparently won some advertising awards. And I bet you Peggy still didn’t get to come to the ceremony 

Doink the Clown v Derrick Stone: Lawler taking shots at Roddy Piper for doing housework seems like a pretty outdated take, even in 1994. Doink with the Whoopie Cushion at 1:54. I honestly believe the only reason Doink was on TV this often is because Vince couldn’t get enough of hearing the fart sound machine. DUD

Roddy Piper sends a pre-recorded tape responding to Lawler interviewing a Piper impersonator last week on RAW

Irwin R Schyster v Kenny Hendrix: We get a fan doing the ring announcing here, but IRS refuses to let him introduce him, because he wants to talk about the biggest tax cheats in the WWF instead. And all three are people of color. Meanwhile, Mabel split screens in to cut a promo on Schyster ahead of their quarterfinal round match at King of the Ring. Irwin puts it away quickly with an STF at 0:55. DUD

Todd Pettengill is in the studio for the King of the Ring Report. No real news at this point, just additional hype. Nothing wrong with that

Duke Droese v Reno Riggins: I know I’m in the minority, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Duke. Droese with a tilt-a-whirl slam at 1:51. It’s kind of amazing that, in this era of a particularly and historically thin roster, Droese only made it onto pay per view once (not counting battle royals). Even Barry Horowitz did better than that! DUD

Shawn Michaels and WWF Intercontinental Champion Diesel host the Heartbreak Hotel, with guest Ted DiBiase, who has promised to bring back Undertaker. And, as promised, Undertaker stands at DiBiase’s side, apparently having turned heel. This was Brian Lee in the role, though he’s pretty convincing here, and if they’d just waited until SummerSlam to actually let him work a match, the angle might have gotten over better. Or, at least if the announcers called him out as a fake, instead of pretending it was the original guy. I mean, the gimmick is already treading on the supernatural, why not lean into it and say he’s some sort of clone, or whatever. Anyway, good segment

Jeff Jarrett v Marty Garner: 1-2-3 Kid split screens in to hype King of the Ring here, continuing to do good, down to earth promo work. That fit his character perfectly, and I’m glad they still haven’t succumbed to the urge to turn him into a standard superstar. Jarrett with the figure four at 2:04. Garner worked hard here, taking a pretty crazy bump to the outside at one point. Weird moment here, as Lawler spoils the ending to the movie Maverick for no discernible reason. Was Ted Turner a producer on it, or something? ½*

Live Event News highlights a WrestleMania Revenge Tour stop in Anaheim California, where celebrities appeared. Celebrities at a house show?! In 1994?! That’s actually semi shocking

BUExperience: A good episode this week, with the Undertaker reveal, a solid feature match, and some last minute King of the Ring push.

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