Wednesday, December 27, 2023

WWF Action Zone (December 18, 1994)


Original Airdate: December 18, 1994 (taped November 30)

From Lowell, Massachusetts; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Todd Pettengill

The Heavenly Bodies v 1-2-3 Kid and Aldo Montoya: Oh God, Pettengill does not work as a commentator. Not even a little bit. Jimmy Del Ray starts with Aldo, and they posture. Montoya gets control, so Tom Prichard tries coming in without a tag, but Kid cuts him off. The babyfaces clean house, and Kid wins a criss cross with Tom once things settle down, delivering a spinkick for two. Tag to Montoya for a flying sunset flip for two, so Jimmy takes a cheap shot, and Tom capitalizes with a DDT. The Bodies go to work on Montoya, until Kid catches the hot tag, and runs wild. A missile dropkick on Del Ray draws Tom in, and Montoya’s attempted intervention fails. That allows the Bodies to clip Kid with a combo, and that’s three at 8:32. Very paint-by-numbers, but not bad. * ¼ 

The Smoking Gunns v Brooklyn Brawler and Duane Gill: Pettengill’s lame jokes get even worse here, and again, it ‘works’ in small doses, but as a commentator for an entire show it’s just impossible. Even Vince can’t make it work, and that guy would eat a live grenade to get a bit over. The Gunns with a combo at 2:59. DUD

Royal Rumble ad

Henry Godwinn v Tony Roy: Todd is a lot more in his element here, shilling trading cards. Now we’re talking. Meanwhile, Vince is not, in trying to talk about current pop culture. Dumb & Dumber seems to truly confuse him, poor thing. Henry with an inverted DDT at 2:01. DUD

Backstage, Jeff Jarrett and Roadie promise to take Razor Ramon’s gold WWF Intercontinental title, to add to the mantle, right beside Jeff’s gold records

Razor Ramon v Sonny Pruitt: The aforementioned Intercontinental title is not on the line here. Also not on the line: Todd’s reputation as a horrible commentator. It’s been cemented. ‘Best’ joke of the match: “Pruitt is a psychic! Look, he has ‘SP’ on his tights… the ‘E’ fell off.” He was getting paid actual money to think this shit up. Ramon with an arrogant pin at 2:09. Interestingly, Tatanka won with an arrogant cover the day before on Superstars (and against an actual star, to boot). Kind of odd to see it two days in a row, considering it was pretty rare in the promotion. DUD

Make-A-Wish Foundation has partnered with the WWF to make wrestler themed teddy bears, with proceeds going to make wishes come true for sick kids. For all the negative things we note about the promotion, they were always great at doing legitimately great stuff like this

Raymond Rougeau brings Shawn Michaels out to talk about the dissolved relationship with WWF Champion Diesel. Kind of odd that Shawn would lament no longer having someone to drive his Bronco for him after he murders people as a barometer for the friendship ending. I’m not sure I like where his mind is at

We get still images of Captain Lou Albano taking the New Headshrinkers to a barber shop in his continued efforts to ‘civilize’ them. Civilized them right out of the promotion

Jeff Jarrett v Cory Student: You wouldn’t think adding a second would improve Jarrett’s act so much, especially since he certainly didn’t need any help with talking, but it really was the missing ingredient. Jeff with a figure four at 1:51. Did Jarrett ever beat any actual stars with the hold? DUD

Hakushi v Gary Scott: This is Hakushi's TV debut, with Vinny Pazienza doing guest commentary, to hype a fight with Roberto Duran. So random. Hakushi knocks Scott to the outside and delivers a dive, leaving Gary out there for the countout at 1:51. Hakushi was an interesting worker and act, but sadly he was destined to fail in this era. This also wasn’t an especially impressive debut. DUD

BUExperience: Solid episode, though Pettengill is impossible to deal with.

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