Monday, December 11, 2023

WWF Superstars (December 10, 1994)


Original Airdate: December 10, 1994 (taped November 8)

From Bushkill, Pennsylvania; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

Jeff Jarrett appears on the video wall to open the show, hyping up his new album ‘Ain’t I Great?’

Razor Ramon v Chris Hammerick: The WWF Intercontinental title is not on the line. Vince and Jerry catch up with Razor on his way to the ring, and Ramon mocks Jarrett. Such a basic way to set up what would end up being a lengthy feud. Ramon with the Razor’s Edge at 3:01. DUD

Live Event News is a look at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, with various wrestlers in attendance. Didn’t we cover that last week?

With Diesel and Shawn Michaels officially on the outs, the WWF Tag Team title is now vacant, and there will be tournament to crown new champions, culminating at the Royal Rumble. We take a look at the brackets, and well, they did their best with what they had to work with

The Smoking Gunns v Ray Hudson and Black Phantom: This building is truly embarrassingly small. The other show had Hulk Hogan, and these guys were working in what looks like a living room with high ceilings. The Gunns with a combo at 2:54. DUD

Owen Hart v Chris Kanyon: We have a fan doing the ring announcing here, which is a gimmick that went on for a lot longer than I realized. Kanyon misses a flying moonsault press, allowing Owen to dive with a missile dropkick, ahead of the Sharpshooter at 3:05. Why do the guest ring announcers always sound so dejected when they announce the winner? Does Vince berate them on a headset during the matches, or something? ¼*

Hakushi vignette

Aldo Montoya v Ben Jordan: They put Aldo over as Carlos Rocha’s protege, as if that was supposed to mean anything to the kids watching this in 1994. The guy hadn’t wrestled since 1977, and that wasn’t exactly an era that was well documented. Even today, it’s still largely a blank spot. Montoya puts it away at 3:32. DUD

Henry Godwinn vignette

Tatanka v Mike Khoury: Lawler makes accusations that President Jack Tunney has been compromised, and is on the take from Ted DiBiase, though I’m pretty sure that went nowhere. I don’t really recall Tunney at all past 1994, though I guess he was still ‘technically’ president until the summer of 1995. Tatanka with a Samoan drop at 3:04. DUD

Lord Alfred Hayes narrates a deodorant ad, starring the New Headshrinkers. Who promptly eat the deodorant. This was pretty irresponsible, actually, considering the target audience for this is kids. Though, also kind of an odd sponsor, considering most pre-teens don’t use deodorant, do they?

Doink the Clown v Curtis Harrison: Lawler thinks Doink should really go to a psychiatrist, because no normal person would walk around dressed like a clown all day long. The man has a point… even if he is dressed like a king. Poor Harrison is the only ‘normal’ person involved here. Doink with the Whoopie Cushion at 2:00. DUD

Live Event News is a look at the WWF at some sports broadcasters awards ceremony. Poor Diesel looks miserable here, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar looks like he wants to run as far away as possible, as quickly as possible

BUExperience: More junk this week, but the tag title tournament starts on the next episode, so hopefully that picks things up a bit.

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