Monday, September 23, 2024

WWF Superstars (April 20, 1996)


Original Airdate: April 20, 1996 (taped April 2)

From San Diego, California; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Mr. Perfect

Ahmed Johnson v Gary Lee: Lee stupidly gets in Ahmed’s face at the bell, and manages to really piss him off. It ends badly for him. Ahmed works in a cool spot here, where he sits Lee on the top turnbuckle, and then charges with a running dropkick to send Lee to the outside. I don’t remember him ever doing that, but he should have made it part of his regular routine. Ahmed with a sitout tiger bomb at 1:39. ½*

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the In Your House Slam Jam. The only real news this week is Razor Ramon/Vader, as Razor is ‘back’

The Bodydonnas v Wayne Bradley and Stephen DeLeon: The WWF Tag Team title is not on the line here. Not to be a ‘size guy,’ but those belts look massive on the Bodydonnas, and makes them look like they’re too little. The Godwinns split screen in here, and apparently they think Hillbilly Jim is a match for Sunny. The Bodydonnas with a combo at 2:35. DUD

Bushwhackers vignette. In 1996

Shawn Michaels/Diesel feud review video

Davey Boy Smith v Bob Holly: They feel each other out a bit through a few criss crosses, and Holly takes control with an armbar. Bulldog escapes, and a press-drops Holly crotch-first across the top rope, and just like that, the tide, she has’a turned. Bulldog dumps him to the outside for Jim Cornette to abuse, and Davey uses a hanging vertical suplex for two on the way back in. Chinlock, but Holly escapes, and throws a bodypress for two. A sunset flip follows for another two, but Bulldog clips him with a clothesline, and goes to another chinlock. Bob fights free, so Bulldog throws a knee, and goes back to the stupid hold. Holly escapes, so Davey tries a proper sleeper, but Holly manages a side suplex to get out of it. That allows Bob to go on the comeback trail, and a backelbow gets two. A powerslam gets another two, but Smith blocks a dive, and tries a superplex - only for Holly to topple him on the way down for two. Holly with a rana into a cradle for two, so Cornette distracts him, and Davey sneaks up with a running powerslam at 6:49. Not a lot of notable effort from either guy here. ¾*

We get some exclusive footage of Bret Hart storming out of the building after losing the title at WrestleMania XII. And then we get words from Bret in Germany this week, where he’s complaining about the overtime ruling costing him the title. He makes a good (albeit whiny) case here, and this would have been a fine direction to go in for a rematch

1-2-3 Kid v Greg Davis: Vince is still excited about that Bushwhackers vignette from earlier, and promises that there are more where that came from. No wonder WCW was killing them. Meanwhile, Kid split screens in to hype his match with Shawn Michaels next week. Kid with a kick at 2:23. DUD

The Bushwhackers apparently own a restaurant. That seems like a health violation waiting to happen. Or, ‘waiting to be discovered,’ more likely

Goldust is in a movie theater, cutting a promo on Savio Vega, as they prepare to meet for the held up Intercontinental title on RAW. Stop talking during the movie, jerk

Savio Vega v El Diablo: Ross wonders if the masked Diablo is Steve Austin, which is pretty laughable, considering Diablo’s physique. Borderline offensive, actually. Savio with a kick at 1:58. This managed to be dull, even at under two minutes. DUD

Dok is back with another Slam Jam, and we get a split screen between Shawn and Diesel to build In Your House. Diesel has regressed back to the tracksuit here, on his way out the door. Just a lot of shouting here, but they get the intensity across

BUExperience: This wasn’t a great episode. It was fine, nothing of any real note.

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