Sunday, September 8, 2024

WWF Wrestling Challenge (December 14, 1986)


Original Airdate: December 14, 1986 (taped November 20)

From Rockford, Illinois; Your Hosts are Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan

Randy Savage v Mario Mancini: Savage is not putting up the WWF Intercontinental title here, as Heenan jokes that Ricky Steamboat’s wife is upset about the injury because now she’ll have to do all the house work. Heenan was so effortlessly funny, and offensive. Savage also split screens in with his own thoughts on the injury, suggesting that Ricky learn some sign language, since he can’t talk anymore. Macho with the flying elbowdrop for an arrogant pin at 1:23. Savage was a complete joy to watch during this period. ¼*

Wrestlers’ Rebuttal is Kamala being Kamala 

President Jack Tunney addresses Andre the Giant’s reinstatement, noting that Andre did not show up himself, but Heenan was in attendance. Bobby clams up about that

The American Express v Steve Lombardi and Bob Colt: Gorilla tries to get Bobby to talk about the Andre meeting, so Heenan tries to change the subject to Lombardi. “Who cares about Steve Lombardi?!?” shouts Monsoon, in a funny exchange. He can’t get anything out of him, so he reverts to criticizing the officiating. Dan Spivey with a bulldog at 1:58. Good energy here. ¼*

Ken Resnick catches up with Dino Bravo, who thanks Johnny Valiant for ‘turning on the lights’ in his career. I think we’re all more interested in hearing about who turned them out

Blackjack Mulligan vignette

Harley Race v Paul Roma: Valiant sits in on commentary here, as Heenan goes to ringside to manage Race. Race grabs a headlock to start, but Roma forces a criss cross, and dropkicks him over the top. Paul steals the crown while Race is recovering, but it backfires when a recovering Race rakes the eyes, and posts him twice. Race with a snapmare on the way back in, allowing him a pair of elbowdrops. Race with a muscle buster at 1:39. Not much to this one. ¼*

Resnick catches up with the American Express, who claim that Spivey’s knee is at 100%

Honky Tonk Man explains that he’s sick of the fans, and isn’t going to touch their dirty, unwashed asses anymore. Hey, I get that

Butch Reed v Lanny Poffo: Reed goes to a hammerlock to start, but Poffo escapes, and uses an underhook cradle for two. Reed goes to a standing headlock, but Poffo forces a criss cross, and catches him with a dropkick. Reed responds with one of his own, knocking Lanny to the outside, and Butch follows, pulling up the mats. He hiptosses Poffo on the exposed concrete, but Poffo beats the count, so Reed drills him with a right hand. Reed with a bodyslam and a 2nd rope clothesline at 2:12. This was on the road to being decent, but was too short to get into gear. ¾*

Jake Roberts hosts the Snake Pit with guest Roddy Piper. But Roddy doesn’t want to chat. All he wants is to hear when Adrian Adonis is wrestling, because he’s ready to murder the guy

Outback Jack vignette. He gets the Ahmed Johnson award for enunciation 

Adrian Adonis v SD Jones: The crowd is all over Adonis with ‘Roddy’ chants, and Adonis takes it out on Jones. But the real Hot Rod joins us before long, apparently having dumped a bucket of water over his head on his way out. Why is he so wet? Roddy just stands in the aisle, glaring (and dripping), and Adonis keeps getting distracted. He manages to fight Jones off, but then Piper hits the ring to attack, drawing the DQ at 2:13. Piper goes nuts on him, and what looks like the entire damned locker room runs in to break things up. Great stuff here. DUD

Tito Santana loves to read in the USA

Jesse Ventura catches up with the Can-Am Connection, and wants to have a posedown with them, but them literally laugh him off

Sika v Bob Boyer: Boyer looks like he’s on his way to an early bird special. Gosh, Wizard is still loud even with he’s not mic’d. Sika with a Samoan drop at 1:02. Pretty dull, even at a minute long. DUD

WWF Champion Hulk Hogan is fuming about what Savage did to Steamboat

Resnick catches up with Kamala and Sika, but fucking Wizard won’t stop shouting. This guy needs to fuck off to the Dungeon of Doom’s cave already

BUExperience: A very strong episode, with lots going on here. So many major angles simmering, it’s hard to believe they were able to keep them so hot all the way until WrestleMania in the spring.

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