Thursday, September 26, 2024

WWF Superstars (April 27, 1996)


Original Airdate: April 27, 1996 (taped April 2)

From San Diego, California; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Mr. Perfect

Last Saturday, in Germany, Owen Hart was wrestling Jake Roberts, when Davey Boy Smith ran in on Jake - only to get the snake unleashed on him. Top quality video footage there

Owen Hart v Fatu: Fatu works a standing side-headlock to start, and he wins a criss cross with a hiptoss. Back to the headlock, but Owen rakes the eyes, and uses a turnbuckle smash - which goes nowhere, duh. Fatu slugs him down, but Owen gets to the top, and throws a missile dropkick. That puts Fatu on the outside, and Owen follows to unload, as we see the Samoan gangstas observing from a distance. Inside, Hart delivers a legdrop, and a corner whip rattles the ring. Fatu manages a sunset flip for two, but Hart cuts him off with a clothesline, and uses a somersault cradle for two. A DDT, but Fatu pops up, and makes a comeback. A backbreaker gets him two, and a cutter sets up the flying splash, but he takes too long, and Owen crotches him on the top. Owen with a vertical superplex, and the Sharpshooter finishes at 7:05. I’m surprised this got such a clean finish. ¾*

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the In Your House Slam Jam. Not a lot of news this week, just the last minute hard sell

Goldust v Mark Cassell: The WWF Intercontinental title is not on the line here, and his entrance takes so long that he may have just become the longest reigning champion during it. Goldust with the Curtain Call at 2:17. DUD

Ultimate Warrior wants to make Goldust squeal like a piggy. Not so sure he wouldn’t welcome that

WWF Tag Team Champions the Bodydonnas are gloating about slopping the Godwinns on RAW

The Bushwhackers v Tim Patterson and David Starr: The Bushwhackers have a kangaroo mascot now. What’s up with this renewed interest in them during this period? I know it didn’t go anywhere, and I think it was mostly related to realizing they still had them under contract (and thus blocking them from going to WCW), but I still don’t get why they’d even bother. I was the target demographic for these guys in 1996, and even I could never stand them. The Bushwhackers with the battering ram at 1:41. DUD

Vader v John Black: It’s odd, it feels like they were both doing a great job at making Vader look like a star, and not making an effort with him at all, somehow simultaneously. Black actually takes a press-drop bump to the outside here, and the pump-splash finishes his ass at 2:26. Vader was looking pretty out of shape here, but he was still a beast nonetheless. ¼*

Dok is back with another Slam Jam

In Your House ad

Shawn Michaels v 1-2-3 Kid: Shawn’s WWF Title is not up for grabs. Ted DiBiase tries a distraction to allow Kid a sneak attack, but Michaels sees it coming. Shawn cleans house, so Kid comes back in slugging, but a criss cross allows Shawn a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Michaels uses a snapmare into a chinlock, but Kid escapes. He tries a sunset flip, but Michaels blocks, and grabs a standing side-headlock. Kid slugs free, so Shawn triggers a full slugfest. Kid responds with a spinheel kick, but Michaels ducks, and cross corner whips him. Shawn follows in with a corner splash, but Kid dodges, and corner dropkicks him for two. Kid with a snapmare to set up a lightning legdrop for two, and a bodyslam sets up a flying somersault senton splash, but Michaels rolls out of the way. Michaels comes back with a piledriver, and a corner whip allows him a jumping forearm on the rebound. Michaels with a powerslam to set up a flying elbowdrop, and he press-drops Kid over the top. Popular spot this week. Michaels follows with a slingshot splash on the floor, so DiBiase comes over for another distraction. Michaels steals his cash, but Kid recovers, and tries a baseball slide - only to miss. Michaels stays on him with a biel on the floor, and he posts Kid before rolling him in. Michaels with a flying axehandle, and the superkick finishes at 8:15. Good action, though nothing special. Afterwards, Michaels throws DiBiase’s money to the crowd, so Steve Austin runs in on him, but Michaels fights him off. ** ¾ (Original rating: *** ¼)

Diesel is in Germany, and ready to end Shawn Michaels’ career at In Your House. And he doesn’t even care about the belt (“I had it for a year - worst year of my life”), he just wants to kill Shawn

BUExperience: A very solid and enjoyable episode, albeit not an especially great hard sell for In Your House.

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