Wednesday, October 2, 2024

NWA (WCW) Power Hour (November 24, 1989)


Original Airdate: November 24, 1989 (taped November 13)

From Corpus Christi, Texas; Your Host is Jim Ross

Great Muta v Frogman LeBlanc: Muta’s NWA Television title is not on the line for this one. Muta with a flying moonsault at 2:51. Even at under three minutes long, this felt like Muta was taking too much time with him. DUD

Gordon Solie is in the studio with Wrestling News Network, which focuses on unveiling the Iron Man concept for Starrcade

Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk v Cuban Assassin and El Diablo: Pairing Pillman with Zenk makes good sense on paper, but I kind of wish they just made an effort to push Brian as a single. This is a fucking long squash, as they just go on and on and on with it, before finally finishing with a combo at 10:19. That’s insanely long for a squash. ¼*

Terry Funk hosts Funk’s Grill, and does a babyface turn, putting Ric Flair over following their I Quit match at the Clash, and officially dumping Gary Hart as a manager. Terry did a great job here, but sadly that would be about it for him, as he didn’t wrestle again for the promotion following the Clash match

NWA World Title Match: Ric Flair v Mike Rotunda: Rotunda dominates early, and we see a great counter move where Flair tries a hiptoss, but Mike counters to an abdominal stretch. That was really smooth, and I’m surprised it isn’t more widely used. Flair escapes, and bails to the apron, but Mike is on him with a vertical suplex back in. Rotunda works a spinning toehold, but Flair escapes. He tries a monkey flip, but Mike counters to a Boston crab, and uses the ropes for leverage. Flair makes it into the ropes to force a break, and the champ rolls to the outside to take a break. Flair uses a slingshot sunset flip for two on the way back in, and he grounds Rotunda in a side-headlock. Rotunda escapes, and throws uppercuts in the corner, but Ric fights back with chops. Mike reverses a cross corner whip, and delivers a backdrop on the rebound, then a dropkick to send Ric over the top. Inside, Rotunda works on the mat, but Flair gets into the ropes, and throws chops following the break. Flair with a backdrop, and he dumps Mike to the outside for a whip into the guardrail. Inside for another backdrop, but Rotunda counters with a small package for two. Flair fights back with an inverted atomic drop, and a kneebreaker sets up the figure four, but Mike makes the ropes. Flair hammers on the knee, but a whip into the ropes gets reversed, and Rotunda puts the champ down. Mike lands a jumping clothesline, and an airplane spin gets him two. Rotunda with a pair of uppercuts, so Flair throws another chop, and they do a pinfall reversal sequence - ending in Flair hooking a backslide for three at 13:57. A little directionless and repetitive at points, but very solid work overall. ** ¼ 

Terry Funk is named Wrestler of the Week

BUExperience: A solid enough episode. Flair/Rotunda is worth a look.

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