Tuesday, October 8, 2024

WWF Superstars (June 1, 1996)


Original Airdate: June 1, 1996 (taped May 28)

From North Charleston, South Carolina; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Mr. Perfect

Jake Roberts v George South: Roberts split screens in to cut a promo on Hunter Hearst Helmsley, who he will face in the Qualifying round of the King of the Ring tournament this Monday on RAW. Wait… so we know that, originally, HHH was slated to win the tournament. And we know that Jake ended up making it to the finals against Steve Austin. Was the original plan to put Hunter over Austin in the final? I imagine the brackets would have been different, but man, how different things could have been. Roberts with the DDT at 2:26. DUD

Last Sunday, on the Free For All, Sunny turned on the Godwinns to help the Smoking Gunns win the WWF Tag Team title. And now she’s officially the Gunns’ manager

Unleash the Warrior In You ad. You can lift weights!

The New Rockers v Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy: Looking at Jeff here, you’d think he was in line to join the New Rockers. The Hardy’s do a great job of bumping a selling for the Rockers here, and the Rockers finish with a combo at 3:26. ½*

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the King of the Ring Slam Jam. Dok notes that winning the tournament is a great honor, because you get to be king for a year. The last guy to win it isn’t even in the promotion any more, so make sure you get it in writing, boys

Hunter Hearst Helmsley v Marty Garner: Helmsley split screens in to hype his half of the Qualifying match with Jake on Monday. Ross hypes it as a member of the New Generation against a man who ‘doesn’t make any mistakes.’ Isn’t his whole gimmick at this point him trying to make up for past mistakes? This is kind of an infamous squash for the finish, which sees HHH spike Marty on his head with the Pedigree at 2:37. ¼*

Yokozuna v Tony Johnson: I’m kind of surprised they never did a rock version of Yokozuna’s theme to go along with his babyface turn. Yokozuna with the Banzai drop at 1:54. DUD

Steve Austin feels a lot better now that Ted DiBiase is gone, and he’s on to bigger and better things. There’s the understatement of the century 

King of the Ring Tournament Qualifying Match: Henry Godwinn v Justin Hawk Bradshaw: Posturing to start, as they hoss it up. Henry gets a standing side-headlock on, so Bradshaw forces a criss cross, but Henry barrels into him with a shoulderblock. Henry goes back to the headlock, and uses a hiptoss, but hurts his leg on the exchange. Henry powers through, pounding Bradshaw in the corner, and delivering a cross corner whip. Bradshaw throws a punch to shake him off long enough for a Russian legdweep, and Bradshaw chokes him down. Godiwnn responds by dumping him over the top, and Henry throws a clothesline for two as Bradshaw hustles back in. The knee is slowing him down, however, and Bradshaw lands a big boot to set up an elbowdrop for two. Bradshaw with a bodyslam to set up a 2nd rope elbowdrop for two, as Ross notes that Bradshaw has a ‘nasty streak’ in him. Hey, he tried to warn us. Bradshaw with a vertical suplex, but Henry reverses, though he’s too battered to follow up. That allows Bradshaw to go upstairs with a flying shoulderblock for two, but he takes too long getting to the top for a second dive, and Godwinn vertical superplexes him down for two. Henry with a powerslam to set up a kneedrop, but Bradshaw rolls out of the way, and Godwinn aggravates the knee with the landing. He tries muscling through a slam, but the knee gives out, and Bradshaw lands a lariat at 8:25. They were having a proper battle here. ** ¼ 

Dok is back with another Slam Jam. They announce Shawn Michaels defending the WWF Title in a rematch against Davey Boy Smith, and Michaels sounds like he’s completely burnt out at this point. Just ragged

BUExperience: Good stuff this week, with a very solid King of the Ring qualifier, and some interesting squashes.

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