Monday, October 7, 2024

WWF Action Zone (May 26, 1996)


Original Airdate: May 26, 1996 

Your Hosts are Todd Pettengill and Dok Hendrix from the studio

Bob Holly v Vader: From the May 25 Superstars, taped April 30 in Des Moines Iowa. Vader is looking really heavy here. Some posturing to start, until Vader plants him with a chokeslam. Holly tries to slug at him, but Vader just absorbs the shots, and goes to work in the corner. Holly forces a criss cross, allowing him to stick and move, but Vader catches a bodypress attempt, and slams him. A pump-splash finishes at 4:35. Basically a complete squash here. Holly made Vader look good here, and Vader wasn’t afraid to really lay it in. ½*

They hype the Wrestle Vessel, and man, a vacation where I’m trapped in a boat with the Bushwhackers?! And I pay actual money for this?! Sounds like a winning proposition 

Choose the Path of the Warrior PSA. Apparently, Warrior is protecting blind street vendors from getting ripped off now. Well, good that he has things to do, because he won’t be in the WWF much longer

Fatu v Steve Austin: From the May 25 Superstars. Jim Ross catches up with Fatu in the aisle during the entrances, questioning him about the mysterious gangstas. What was up with them using Ross in that role while he’s also doing commentary duties? Was Todd Pettengill suddenly too busy, the prick? Fatu dominates early, as the announcers note that Savio Vega has never lost a Caribbean strap match. That’s hardly the brag that Bret Hart saying he’d ‘never lost a cage match’ was. Or even as much of one as Undertaker saying he never lost a casket match during the build up to… the second casket match. Austin dumps him to the outside as the gangstas show up to observe, but an attempt at a turnbuckle smash goes nowhere, as apparently Austin is an idiot. He manages to sidestep Fatu in the corner, and a snapmare sets up a 2nd rope pointed elbowdrop for two. Fatu tries charging, but Steve sidesteps again, and Fatu goes flying out of the ring this time. Steve rolls him in for the cobra clutch, and Fatu passes out in the hold at 8:31. Really dull stuff here. Afterwards, Vega runs in with the strap to get Steve to break the hold, and chases Austin off. ¼*

From the May 20 episode of Monday Night RAW (taped April 29 in Sioux City Iowa), Jim Ross brings Undertaker out to discuss the Casket match set for Sunday's In Your House, but is disappointed to get Paul Bearer instead. Oh, but then here's Undertaker to add his thoughts from the comfort of the inside of a casket, but that makes him easy prey for WWF Intercontinental Champion Goldust and Mankind, who run out to lock him in, and beat on the casket with a pipe. I feel like that would just give him a slight headache from all the metal-on-metal banging, but nothing a couple of Tylenol couldn't fix. These heels need to step their game up

Free For All ad

Despite Sunny's best whoring efforts, the Godwinns defeated the Bodydonnas to win the tag title last Sunday at Madison Square Garden

Attitude Adjustment Tour ad. John Cena origin story? 

Shawn Michaels/Davey Boy Smith feud review

Marty Jannetty is on the Rockers tour bus, and gossiping about how Shawn Michaels would ‘always go for the married ones’ during their tag days. All considered, Shawn is probably lucky that’s the darkest story Jannetty wants to share about those days. And then Dok basically takes the words out of my mouth, bless him

Davey Boy Smith v Jason Ahrndt: From the May 25 Superstars. Ross catches up with Shawn backstage, watching on a monitor, and fuming about the accusations. He’s drowning in them lately, from all corners. Bulldog with a running powerslam at 1:50. DUD

Earlier today, Ross caught up with Jim Cornette in the parking lot (rolling around in an S-Class, good for him), and Jim is standing by the allegations against Shawn Michaels. The man is a ‘scallywag.’ Strong words, I’m surprised they didn’t bleep that. Gosh darn it all to heck. He also makes a cryptic promise to drop a ‘bombshell’ on Shawn tonight before the main event at In Your House

Various superstars weigh in on the briefs v boxers debate. Apparently JR regularly goes commando

BUExperience: This was fine as a hard sell for Beware of Dog, though it was basically just a recap of Superstars, with Todd and Dok narrating. But I like Todd and Dok, so it’s not terrible.

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