Monday, March 22, 2021

WWF Superstars (September 26, 1992)

Original Airdate: September 26, 1992 (taped September 1)

From Hershey, Pennsylvania; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect

Davey Boy Smith v Barry Hardy: Bulldog's WWF Intercontinental gold is not on the line here. And speaking of titles, it's interesting that the announcers are openly acknowledging that Ric Flair won the WWF Title at this same taping. They were usually more hush-hush about that sort of thing, I thought. And speaking of the announcers, it's a month later, and Vince STILL can't stop talking about how good the Bulldog/Bret Hart match was at SummerSlam. It's not surprising that he loved that match, considering how many compilations it made it onto later. Running Powerslam finishes at 2:28. ¼*


Last week, Randy Savage gave Ultimate Warrior a pair of sunglasses, and we're all really excited about that! So excited that we can celebrate by watching videogame clips of Savage wrestle Undertaker. It's crazy how exciting that would have seemed to 1992-me, and how silly it looks to 2021-me. Like, I used to get so excited about the roster for these games, but honestly, the graphics are so bad that Savage could easily be Rick Rude, or Marty Jannetty, or just about anyone with a little imagination. Anyway, Savage and Warrior are the Ultimate Maniacs now, deal with it


Papa Shango v John Richner: Shango goes into one of his orgasms at the bell, causing John's leg to give out, as Bret Hart split screens in to clarify that he didn't lose the Intercontinental title because of Shango's curse. It's not voodoo, he just sucks, is all! Take the excuse, Bret. Shango with the inverted shoulderbreaker at 1:27. I appreciated Richner's jittery, Hogan-like sell here. I appreciate Shango's onscreen orgasms a little less, though. DUD


Tito Santana gushes about how good the Intercontinental title match at SummerSlam was


Shawn Michaels feels pretty good


Comet Kid v Barry Horowitz: This is Kid's debut, still being called 'Comet Kid,' not yet 'Max Moon.' Luckily they'd have a much more interesting 'Kid' debut the next year. Vince literally says 'look at all these moves,' as they trade wristlocks. They seriously spent a hundred grand on this silly gimmick? Like, in real money, not GTA money? I'm in the wrong business. Kid with a rolling fireman's carry slam at 2:38. Would this gave gotten over any better if Konnan played the part, as was originally intended? No. Hard no. ¼*


Back at SummerSlam, Undertaker no-sold some shit from Kamala


Razor Ramon v Nick Tarantino: Kind of fitting that a Ramon match follows the debut of a 'kid' whose name would change a bunch of times. Razor's Edge finishes at 2:39. This was a pretty lazy squash for Razor, though he still looks like a total star. DUD


Tatanka tries to master the art of syllables


Mountie sings us a tune


Big Boss Man v Bruce Mitchell: Vince notes that when Boss Man catches up with Nailz, he doesn't know what they'll do to each other. Well, maybe finally book the damn match so we can find out? I get that they were running it on the house shows, but they've had exactly zero interaction since the debut angle, and it's getting colder by the week. I'll never stop believing that they should have booked a double countout, or something, for SummerSlam to help tide it over until the Survivor Series blow off. Vince notes that Boss Man looks 'far more aggressive' than ever. Didn't he start off by handcuffing guys to the ropes and beating them bloody with nightsticks? But, what's that, compared to a legdrop? Boss Man Slam finishes at 2:41. DUD


Gene Okerlund brings WWF Champion Ric Flair out for an interview, as we get a shot of a sign in the crowd that notes that 'Ric Flair rules! Not!' Honest question: were those jokes ever funny? I mean, obviously Borat killed it dead, but did it ever get a legitimate laugh even before that? Nothing much here, just Flair gloating about winning the title back


The Nasty Boys v Bobby Perez and Akita Webb: The announcers try to put the Nasties over as a better choice for top contenders than Money Inc, though really, in what world? Money Inc are the former champs, and they still haven't gotten their rematch. The Nasties have basically done next to nothing since losing the belts over a year ago. The Nasties finish with a running powerslam/flying elbowdrop combo at 2:51. I never really noticed it before reviewing these shows, but Nasty Boys squashes are the worst. DUD


Undertaker is still all excited about no-selling Kamala at SummerSlam. Way to kill the business, Mark


Money Inc want to clarify that Jimmy Hart thinks that THEY are the top contenders to the tag title. I get that your manager needs to support you, but since when do they decide the official rankings?

BUExperience: Not much to work with in terms of angles or matches this week.

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