Wednesday, October 25, 2023

WWF Superstars (September 24, 1994)


Original Airdate: September 24, 1994 (taped August 31)

From Green Bay, Wisconsin; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

Davey Boy Smith v Reno Riggins: A very decent looking arena this week, and the crowd is pumped up to see Bulldog. And he looks pretty excited himself! Smith with a running powerslam at 3:28. Good energy from Davey here, but he took a little too long with this. ¼*

Live Event News is a look at a charity event the WWF recently participated in, which Ted DiBiase hosted. I continue to find it odd that they consistently had heels do these types of things, and even more so that they then highlight it. Like, in one breath they’re putting DiBiase over as this super asshole, and then in the next, they’re talking about how his incredible spirit and generosity made a difference in the lives of sick kids. Just so hard to reconcile 

Shawn Michaels and Diesel v Kevin Krueger and Rod Bell: The WWF Tag Team title is not on the line here. People got annoyed that Shawn and Diesel politicked for the belts, but honestly, they work really well as a team, and are a much more exciting and interesting combination than the Headshrinkers. Yes, Bam Bam Bigelow and Irwin R Schyster could have used the bump of having the gold more, but Michaels and Diesel were worthy champions. Diesel with the powerbomb to allow Shawn the arrogant cover at 2:21. ¼*

Doink the Clown v Sonny Rogers: Vince trying to explain why Doink and Dink’s pranks aren’t mean, but Lawler popping Dink’s balloons a couple of weeks ago is basically assault is something else. Dink gets knocked off the apron during the match, so Lawler goes down to ringside, and smashes up his tricycle. Dick move, sure, but why is Vince acting like it’s tantamount to a war crime? Pretty sure he can just run down to Toys R Us and get another one. But then, with the gates during this period, maybe it’s a bigger blow than I’m realizing. Doink with the Whoopie Cushion at 2:40. And then afterwards, Dink sees the broken bike, and breaks down in tears. Since he’s a child, you see. Because he’s schmall. DUD

King Kong Bundy vignette. Who the hell was that broadcaster supposed to be? Was Pettengill too busy?

Tatanka v Gary Jackson: We get a fan doing the ring introductions here, who ends up being the son of Reggie White (in the crowd). Tatanka with a Samoan drop at 2:43. Despite the big, high profile heel turn, Tatanka is already ice cold. DUD

Adam Bomb v Barry Horowitz: The announcers talk about Bob Backlund putting a magazine writer in the chickenwing on the last episode of RAW, which I honestly forgot happened this late into the fall. I thought it was right after the heel turn, like a week later. Great angle, though. And I kind of forgot Bob’s promise to retire if anyone ever breaks the chickenwing, which I don’t think they ever mentioned again. And good thing, too, because Bret did just that at WrestleMania. Adam with a pumphandle-slam at 2:36. DUD

Action Zone ad

Undertaker and Paul Bearer promise revenge on Yokozuna in Casket matches along the Hart Attack Tour. Kind of weird that they’re hyping that when they were planning it for Survivor Series

Yokozuna v Gary Scott: Yokozuna is looking moody this week. And I know I’ve said this before, but holy shit, did this guy go downhill quickly. Yokozuna with a uranage at 1:54. That’s two squashes in a row where he didn’t use the Banzai drop. Did the jobbers form a union, or something? Afterwards, Undertaker’s gong rings, scaring Yokozuna into running away. Yeah, really sell that match, guys. The WWF always had the oddest choices of who to make into cowardly heels. Yokozuna here and Sycho Sid in 1995 both spring to mind. Just perplexing. DUD

Live Event News is a look at the Hart Attack Tour

BUExperience: I enjoyed this week’s episode (likely, at least in part, because it’s a fresh taping cycle), but the lack of a star/star match hurt.

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