Saturday, June 29, 2024

WWF Superstars (December 2, 1995)


Original Airdate: December 2, 1995 (taped November 21)

From Salisbury, Maryland; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Mr. Perfect

Razor Ramon v Ken Raper: The WWF Intercontinental title is not on the line here. Marty Jannetty presents Razor with a leather jacket before the match, trying to entice him to tag up against 1-2-3 Kid and Sycho Sid. My favorite part of this is watching Bruce Prichard desperately trying to hide his face while seated in gorilla there. Also, no wonder Goldust made a move on him, he was sending signals out there by accepting another man’s jacket. Speaking of Kid and Sid, they show up in the aisle to observe, and Ramon finishes with the Razor’s Edge at 1:49. Another funny bit here, as Vince keeps needling Perfect with talk about how Ramon has won the title more times than anyone else. DUD

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the In Your House Slam Jam

Bob Backlund is campaigning in the crowd

Handicap Match: Mabel v Dave Thornberg and Jerry Faith: Brother Love split screens in here, during this odd rehash of the character that lasted for a few weeks. Meanwhile, Ross breaks his back trying to give the Mabel/Undertaker match for In Your House some intrigue, bless him. Mabel with a belly-to-belly suplex at 1:54. DUD

Ahmed Johnson wants you to have a happy holiday season. Or else

Ahmed Johnson v Jason Ahrndt: Dean Douglas split screens in to cut a promo on Johnson. Meanwhile, Perfect has some thoughts of his own, annoyed that Dean has ripped off his finisher. We also see Savio Vega doing commentary along with the Spanish language announce team, since we can’t sit still for a second with this show. Johnson with a sitout tiger bomb at 1:59. DUD

Henry Godwinn shows off his hog pen

Owen Hart v Matt Hardy: Backlund is still campaigning, and Vince notes that one of his campaign promises is to repeal the right to vote for women. “I think that’s a problem,” notes McMahon. Really taking a stand there, pal. They note that Owen has an ‘open contract’ for a match at In Your House, and kind of hint that it might be Shawn Michaels. Hart with a Sharpshooter at 2:46. Hardy looked good here. ¼*

Ross goes into the crowd to interview Backlund, but makes the mistake of calling him ‘Bob’ instead of ‘Mr. Backlund,’ and ends up in the crossface chickenwing, before Savio Vega makes the save

Duke Droese v Reginald Walker: Vince gives an update, noting that Jim’s shoulder is not broken. He then asks us to imagine someone as unstable as Backlund as head of state. Yeah, imagine. Meanwhile, Perfect thinks Droese should show some respect to his fellow workers, and not wear his dirty, stinky trash clothes into the ring. And Vader hadn’t even debuted yet, just you wait. Duke with a tilt-a-whirl slam at 3:01. Droese looked to be having trouble with the slam during this period. DUD

In Your House ad

Shawn Michaels recovery video package. Things are so bad, he even blacks out sometimes! So, you know, that’s the reason. The only reason. Just in case you were wondering

1-2-3 Kid and Sycho Sid v Hakushi and Barry Horowitz: Kid and Barry start, and Barry gets a standing side-headlock on, but Kid forces a criss cross. Hiptoss, but Horowitz reverses, and armdrags Kid into an Oklahoma roll for two. Tag to Hakushi, and he tunes Kid up a bit, then throws a dropkick. Hakushi with a cross corner whip to set up a handspring backelbow, and a bodyslam sets up a pump-splash for two. Good selling throughout from Kid. A criss cross allows a blind tag to Sid, and Sid catches Hakushi, spiking him with a chokeslam. Nice spot there. Tag to Kid to put the boots to Hakushi, and the heels work him over. Sid misses a corner big boot to allow the hot tag to Horowitz, but Barry barely runs wild before getting caught with a powerbomb from Sid at 7:19. Kid and Sid were a fun pairing, and the perfect use of each guy. I’m legitimately sad it didn’t last longer. * ¼ 

Dok is back with another In Your House Slam Jam. I’m really tired of Dok. Also, no wonder Razor accepted that leather jacket… if I saw Hendrix walking around in my gear, I’d be looking for a change, too

Backlund is still campaigning. A fat lot of good Savio did

BUExperience: I enjoyed things this week.

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