Wednesday, June 12, 2024

WWF Superstars (November 4, 1995)


Original Airdate: November 4, 1995 (taped October 24)

From Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler

Hunter Hearst Helmsley v Mike Legacy: Lawler notes that Mike’s true legacy will one day be telling his kids that he was in the ring with the likes of HHH. Which actually likely is quite true. Hunter with the pedigree at 2:30. DUD

Henry Godwinn v Otis Apollo: Helmsley is still spraying perfume around as Godwinn makes his entrance, and Henry nearly manages to slop him, before Hunter escapes. Godwinn with the inverted DDT at 2:23. Neither of the first two squashes were notable as matches, but both served a purpose of developing a feud, so no issue. Afterwards, Ross catches up with Godwinn in the aisle, and Henry promises to slop HHH. He’s really into that. It’s almost like a fetish for him. DUD

Dok Hendrix is in the studio with the Survivor Series Slam Jam. I miss Todd Pettengill. I’m honestly surprised Vince allowed Dok to go out dressed like this. He looks like such a Southern ‘wrasslin’ guy. But, hey, at least they fixed the Shawn Michaels graphic to eliminate the In Your House logo

Bam Bam Bigelow v Scott D'Amore: Vince is on D’Amore’s case for being too fat and too hairy right away, so again, how the hell was he on board with Dok? He’s both of those things and a redneck! Bigelow with a slingshot splash at 2:22. Bigelow looked really lazy here, he probably was sick of things by then, and ready to leave. DUD

Backstage, Skip and Sunny force Rad Radford to do sit ups

Lawler brings Goldust out for an in-ring interview, giving Vince a chance to say the word ‘bizarre’ a million times. In between the movie quotes and puns, Bam Bam Bigelow comes out, laying out a challenge for a match. I wish they’d kept the aspect of the character where he sprinkles relevant movie quotes into promos longer, it was good. And his delivery made it great

Mabel v Tim McNeany: Paul Bearer splitscreens in, promising the return of Undertaker, who will get revenge on Mabel. Also, bless Vince, as Lawler makes a joke about Bearer having to resort to delivering pizzas to pay the bills while Undertaker is injured, and McMahon immediately goes into pitch mode, noting that ‘Dominos delivers!’ Mabel with a belly-to-belly suplex at 2:22. DUD

At a recent press conference, Ted DiBiase threw a drink in the face of one of the Saskatchewan Roughriders

Hakushi and Barry Horowitz play with Karate Fighters. What’s up with Todd doing a Howard Cosell impression with these bits? Or, is it an early 80s Vince impression?

Bret Hart v Sycho Sid: Hart has members of the Roughriders with him, and Glenn Kulka looks more like a stereotypical wrestler than half the roster. No wonder they gave him a shot later on. Sid, meanwhile, has various heels with him - some members of the Million Dollar Corporation, and then Skip, oddly. Posturing to start, dominated by big Sid, but he misses a charge in the corner, and Hart clotheslines him over the top. The Roughriders force him back in, so Bret knocks him right back out, and they repeat. Hart is ready with the Sharpshooter, but Sid blocks, so Bret uses a headbutt drop to the groin. Hart runs the ropes, so DiBiase trips him up, and Sid capitalizes with a legdrop. Sid with a cross corner whip, and he tries a bearhug, but Hart escapes. Sid cuts him off with a clothesline, and a snapmare allows him a chinlock. Meanwhile, Skip gets in Kulka’s face, and gets tackled on the floor. Ah, okay, so that’s why he’s out there. Sid dumps Bret to the outside for the heels to abuse,  and he works a ropechoke as Hart gets back inside. Hart fights him off in the corner and delivers a 2nd rope clothesline, and he makes a comeback, throwing fists. A Russian legsweep sets up a pointed elbowdrop for two, and a small package is worth two. A bodypress gets two, ending in Hart on the outside, but the Roughriders save him from the heels this time. Bret manages to avoid getting trampled, and as Sid jaws with Kulka, Hart schoolboys at 9:19. This felt like a dark match for the benefit of the live crowd more than anything. ½*

Dok is back with another Survivor Series Slam Jam

Backstage, Bret is ready for Diesel, no holds barred

BUExperience: Very focused booking this week, which I always appreciate.

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