Monday, June 24, 2024

WWF Superstars (November 25, 1995)


Original Airdate: November 25, 1995 (taped November 20)

From Richmond, Virginia; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler

1-2-3 Kid v Rich Meyers: They show highlights of the issue between Kid and Marty Jannetty here, and I’m disappointed that we never got a proper feud there, because they probably could have still had a great match together at this point. Kid allows has Ted DiBiase out with him now, as well as Sycho Sid for good measure. Sid and Kid was another team that should have had more legs than it did, especially in the weak tag field from this period. But it wasn’t meant to be for a variety of reasons. Kid with a spinheel kick at 3:11. Kid did a good job of settling into a heel role right away, especially for a guy who was career babyface before this. ¼*

Backstage, the Bodydonnas make Rad Radford warm up with jumping jacks

Fatu v Reginald Walker: Walker is a big dude, he looks more like the star in the ring than Fatu. And with the shaved head look he has going, I’m half surprised they didn’t bring him in as Ahmed Johnson’s brother, or something. Not like he could have been worse in the ring than the actual Ahmed. Fatu split screens in, feeling thankful for how he changed his life. Apparently ‘saying no to drugs’ turned him from a savage who walks around barefoot eating raw turkeys, to a regular guy from the ‘hood. Imagine what it could do for you. Fatu with a flying splash at 2:13. DUD

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the In Your House Slam Jam, and Dok officially announces Bret Hart v Davey Boy Smith for the WWF Title, plus a Hog Pen match between Henry Godwinn and Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Davey Boy Smith v Tony Williams: Joined in progress, with Bulldog dominating. Williams is dressed like a Dusty Rhodes tribute act here. Maybe he was hoping for a push based on Vince’s noted affinity for polka dots? Davey with the running powerslam at 4:15. DUD

HHH is in Arkansas scoping out hog pens. Hunter is pretty funny here, he was much more intentionally funny in this role than his tryhard DX days later

Henry Godwinn v Jason Arndt: Lawler figures Ross must be an expert on Hog Pen matches, on the grounds that he’s from Oklahoma. Fair. Meanwhile, Godwinn split screens in, promising to show Helmsley what happens when ‘pretty boys’ come to Arkansas. Yeah, not helping the whole reputation there, Hank. Godwinn with an inverted DDT at 1:51. After the match, Godwinn comes across Bob Backlund campaigning in the crowd, and nearly slops him, but luckily for the fans in the vicinity, he thinks better of it. DUD

Backstage, WWF Tag Team Champions The Smoking Gunns warm up

Goldust v Ken Raper: Lawler notes that it’s fitting that the number one movie in the country is Goldeneye, but that he’s ‘seen better film on teeth.’ Well, that’s certainly an opinion. One of the better Bond films for my money, and certainly the high point of the Brosnan era. Meanwhile, I think it’s fitting that Goldust is is there with a guy named ‘Raper’ with that outfit he has on. Did they not realize everyone could see his junk before sending him out there? Goldust with the Curtain Call at 1:21. DUD

In Your House ad

Barry Didinsky shills the new Bret Hart t-shirt. These mid-90s shirts were terrible. Was it just a matter of 90s fashion, or were they just terrible because they were just terrible?

WWF Tag Team Title Match: The Smoking Gunns v Skip and Rad Radford: Billy Gunn and Skip start, and a criss cross ends in Skip delivering a headscissor takedown, but getting caught in a backdrop. Tag to Rad, but Billy is ready with a drop-toehold into an armbar. Tag to Bart Gunn for a combo, so Skip comes in, but gets hit with a combo as well. The Gunns works Radford over with quick tags and combos, but Skip pulls down the top rope during a criss cross, and Bart takes a spill over the top. That’s enough to turn the tide, and the challengers cut the ring in half on Bart. They miss a rocket launcher to allow the hot tag to Billy, and Roseanne Barr the door! Billy with a roll up on Skip for two, reversed for two, and Sunny gets knocked off the apron in the process. That allows the Gunns to isolate Radford for a combo at 8:13. Technically fine, just not very engaging. * ¼ 

Hendrix is back with another In Your House Slam Jam

Lawler introduces Mr. Perfect as his replacement on commentary for a while, since he’ll be busy training for a title match with Bret

BUExperience: This felt like a pretty weak episode, despite a lot going on.

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