Monday, June 3, 2024

WWF Superstars (October 21, 1995)


Original Airdate: October 21, 1995 (taped September 26)

From Valparaiso, Indiana; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler

Henry Godwinn is on the farm, slopping stuff

Henry Godwinn v Tom Knox: Godwinn wasn’t a bad worker for this period, but they weren’t really doing much with him. Though that changes right here, as Hunter Hearst Helmsley is out with a bottle of perfume, directing an assistant to remove Godwinn’s slop bucket, and spraying the area to remove the stench. Hey, that’s a public service. He’s a babyface as far as I’m concerned. Godwinn with the inverted DDT at 2:34. Afterwards, Henry realizes his bucket is gone, and fumes. Man, how many angles were built around ‘guy steals other guys thing’ in 1995? DUD

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the In Your House Slam Jam, and they’re really pushing the idea that Diesel isn’t ‘himself,’ and might lose to Davey Boy Smith because of it

Barry Horowitz continues to teach Hakushi about America. Today’s lesson: baseball

Hakushi v Dean Douglas: Vince announces that Shawn Michaels was attacked by ‘ten thugs’ in Syracuse New York, but he’ll still be at In Your House, and will defend the WWF Intercontinental title. Oh, will he? They trade waistlocks to start, and Dean takes control with a drop-toehold into a side-headlock. Hakushi counters to a headscissors hold, as Skip, Rad Radford, and Sunny make their way out. Hakushi wins a criss cross with a chop to the throat, and a series of short-chops get him two. Hakushi with a bodyslam to set up a pump-splash for two, but a backdrop gets countered with a matslam. That allows Dean a shoulderbreaker, and he grounds Hakushi in a headvice. Dean with an elbowdrop for two, and a hanging vertical suplex gets him another two. Back to the headvice, and a bodyslam sets up a flying splash, but Hakushi dodges. That allows Hakushi to go on the comeback trail, but a springboard flying splash is blocked when Douglas gets his knees up. Dean kicks a few punts in the ribs, and a bridging fisherman suplex puts it away at 5:38. A little dull, but not poorly worked. *

Recently, the WWF toured Europe as part of the Full Metal Tour

Fatu v Terry Richards: I always appreciate a jobber who tries a sneak attack. Bless their little hearts. And this one actually went on to become Rhyno. Meanwhile, HHH split screens in to hype up his match with Fatu for In Your House. Fatu with a cutter to set up a flying splash at 2:27. DUD

Vince brings WWF Champion Diesel out to discuss his troubles of late, asking Diesel if he’ll be able to ‘keep his cool’ against Davey Boy this Sunday. Many dog related puns result 

Backstage, HHH tries spraying Fatu with some perfume, which offends him. The man is truly out there trying to make a difference, and no one appreciates him

Hunter Hearst Helmsley v Joe Deegan: Boy, HHH is all over the show this week. Did the ‘reign of terror’ start in 1995? Helmsley with the pedigree at 2:24. DUD

Dok is back with a second Slam Jam, and once again promises and guarantees that Shawn Michaels will defend the title at In Your House 

Goldust is going to eat Marty Jannetty like a shark at In Your House. He’ll do it! I’ve seen him!

BUExperience: Not an especially exciting episode, but an easy watch.

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