Thursday, June 20, 2024

WWF Superstars (November 11, 1995)


Original Airdate: November 11, 1995 (taped October 24)

From Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler

WWF Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon and 1-2-3 Kid tell the the ‘country bumpkins’ to shine up their belts, because they’re coming for them today

Owen Hart v Angel DeGuera: Owen feels kind of directionless since dropping the tag title, and that would largely remain the case until he and Bulldog formed a regular tag team later on. But I guess the Shawn Michaels angle is coming up too, though he was largely just ‘a body’ in that case, as there wasn’t really much of a feud, it was really all about Shawn’s side of things. Hart with the Sharpshooter at 2:17. DUD

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the Survivor Series Slam Jam, and between all the gold and that track suit, it feels like Dok is auditioning for the Sopranos this week

Backstage, Skip and Sunny force Rad Radford to do pushups with Bertha Faye on his back

‘Bill Clinton’ hangs out in Washington, excited to be a part of Survivor Series

Rad Radford v Barry Horowitz: Radford is still doing pushups, and challenges Barry to do some… and then fails to even attack him when Horowitz takes the bait. And you call yourself a ‘heel,’ sir? Barry dominates on the mat to start, and a criss cross goes Barry’s way with a hiptoss. Barry adds a drop-toehold into an armbar, but Radford slugs free. Barry dives at him with a 2nd rope Thesz press after blocking a cross corner whip, and a dropkick knocks Radford to the outside. Inside, Barry uses a somersault necksnap for two, and he unloads in the corner, but a cross corner whip gets reversed. Radford tries an avalanche, but misses, and Barry unloads a ten-punch count. Barry takes him into the opposite corner for another ten-punch, but it’s one too many, and Radford drops him with a hotshot. Radford with a turnbuckle smash and a backelbow, and he puts the boots to Barry. Radford with a clothesline for two, and a vertical suplex is worth two. Radford goes to a chinlock from there, and a dropkick gets him two after Horowitz escapes. Rad with a gutwrench suplex for two, and he goes back to the chinlock, but Barry slugs free. Radford stays on him with a pair of corner whips, but a clothesline on the rebound misses, and Barry goes on the comeback trail. A legdrop gets him two, and a bridging northern lights suplex is worth two. Cradle, but the referee is caught up with Sunny, so no count. That allows Skip to blind Horowitz with something, and Radford schoolboys at 8:30. Good action here, with both guys working hard. It’s a shame Horowitz had too much jobber stink on him to be taken seriously, because he wasn’t a bad worker. ** ¼ 

Backstage, WWF Tag Team Champions The Smoking Gunns are ready to defend their title

Survivor Series ad

Undertaker is in the graveyard, and making threats at Isaac Yankem. That’s not very brotherly

Isaac Yankem v Dave Dalton: They show clips of Yankem jobbing to Bret Hart on TV here, and that pretty much marked the end of his push. Yankem with a DDT at 2:00. DUD

Ross brings Davey Boy Smith, Sycho Sid, and their managers (Jim Cornette and Ted DiBiase, respectively) out to talk about the Wild Card match at Survivor Series. Not much here, they just get over the concept

Billy Gunn beats Bart Gunn at Karate Fighters

Barry Didinsky hypes the new WWF calendar 

WWF Tag Team Title Match: The Smoking Gunns v Razor Ramon and 1-2-3 Kid: Bart Gunn and Kid start, and Kid tries everything he has, but Bart largely shrugs him off. Bart wins a criss cross with a press-slam, so Kid tags out, and Bart follows suit. Billy Gunn gets a headlock on the challenger, so Razor forces a criss cross, and wins it with a hiptoss. Another criss cross goes Ramon’s way with punches, and he delivers a fallaway slam for two. Billy with a sunset flip as Bart blind tags in with a bulldog to put Ramon down, and Billy adds a legdrop ahead of a short-armscissors. The champs dominate Ramon, but Razor wins a criss cross with Billy, and gets the hot tag to Kid. Kid runs wild, but gets caught with a combo, and Ramon has to save him at two. The damage is done, however, and now the Gunns have control, working Kid over. Razor keeps coming in to make saves for him, but does so one time too many, and the referee calls the DQ at 8:10. This was okay, but the finish was kind of dumb. Though, it played into the storyline, so it’s acceptable. * ¼ 

Dok is back with another Survivor Series Slam Jam

Backstage, Kid is fuming over the loss, as Razor tries to talk him down

BUExperience: Good stuff this week, it feels like everyone has a direction, and their was good wrestling, too.

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