Wednesday, June 4, 2014

WWF Monday Night RAW (May 2, 1994)

Original Airdate: May 2, 1994 (Taped April 26)

From Burlington, Vermont; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Randy Savage.

Opening WWF Tag Team Title Match: The Quebecers v The Headshrinkers: Headshrinkers actually do a long hug here as opposed to the snap-slap hug, so you know they mean business. Pierre starts with Fatu, and tries a standing side-headlock, but gets shoved into the ropes for a shoulderblock. Slugfest goes Fatu's way also, and both guys tag. Jacques tries a cheap shot in the corner, but Samu blocks a monkeyflip with a falling headbutt for two. That draws Pierre in to break up the count, and Fatu joins for a brawl - the challengers cleaning house. The champs decide to walk out and win by losing, but the referee rules that they have a ten-count to return, or forfeit the titles. I love that bit, when used sparingly (which it generally is). They return, and the dust settles on Pierre and Fatu - Fatu slamming him for two. Tag to Samu to work the wrist, and a sidewalk slam gets two. The 'Shrinkers make quick tags to control Pierre, but a cheap shot from Jacques turns the tide, and they dump Fatu to the floor for a shot into the steps. Inside, the Quebecers cut the ring in half on Fatu, but their double-teams backfire when Pierre gets backdropped out of the ring. Tag to Samu, and he's a hut of fire! Headbutts and slams all around, but a bodypress misses - Samu left hanging in the ropes by his neck. Love that spot. Dangerous as hell, but it's always impressive. Jacques piledrives him, but the Tower of Quebec misses, and Samu tags. Double-forward Russian legsweep for Jacques, and the flying splash finishes him at 17:00 to crown new champions. I like both teams, but they weren't clicking here at all, and this wasn't the swan song the Quebecers deserved. ¾*

King of the Ring Report! No actual matches are announced for the big show yet, so we settle for discussing tournament Qualifying Matches for now

Chief Jay Strongbow comes out to let us know that Tatanka is on a warpath. We'll be sure to stay out of the way then, thanks

Tatanka v Derrick Domino: Domino tries a sleeper early, but takes a side suplex. He tries chops, but Tatanka no-sells, and returns fire. Japanese armdrag and a backdrop hit, as IRS calls in to explain his side of things. Tatanka with a clothesline off the middle rope, and a vertical suplex. Tatanka with an armbar, but Crapton catches him with a jumping clothesline coming out of the ropes, and covers for two. Turnbuckle smash, but Tatanka JIGS UP!! Chops! Tomahawk Chops! End of the Trail! 5:07! Kinda long for such a complete squash, but whatever. ¼*

WrestleMania Revenge Tour promo

Jerry Lawler comes out to host The King's Court, with this weeks guest, Diesel. Diesel had just won the Intercontinental Title over the weekend (really weeks before, but it aired over the weekend), and he's out to gloat, as well as challenge Bret Hart. Whoa, whoa, settle down there, big guy. It'll probably be a few years of dues paying before you get that high up the card

Everyone from mechanics, to fireman, to school children claim to have seen The Undertaker! The little girls, 'I saw him outside... he slid down the slide!' wins life

Cute RAW Girl Sign of the Week: RAW Rules Fools

Handicap Match: Yokozuna v Scott Taylor and Mike Davis: Yoko takes them both out with a clothesline right away, and bodyslams David to set up a legdrop. Uranage for Taylor, and a headbutt for Davis, as the referee doesn't even bother enforcing tags. Banzi Drop onto both guys finishes at 4:14. Afterwards, Yoko adds a couple more splashes, until Earthquake makes the save. Nothing, but I love the Handicap squash gimmick. Yoko was totally directionless at this point, though, as they had nothing for him post-WrestleMania. ¼*

Vince and Randy catch up with Earthquake at ringside, and he challenges Yokozuna to a match - which would take place later on this taping cycle

BUExperience: The tag title change is historically significant enough to make this worth checking out, but nothing else going on, otherwise.

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