Wednesday, March 27, 2024

WWF Superstars (July 22, 1995)


Original Airdate: July 22, 1995 (taped June 27)

From Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Dok Hendrix

The Blu Brothers v 1-2-3 Kid and Savio Vega: Dok’s outfit this week is positively restrained for him. He looks more like my grandfather’s accountant than a Freebird. Meanwhile, Vince is still all excited about this ‘twin lookalike situation.’ He understands what twins are, right? Or is all his knowledge rooted in the film Twins? Kid and Savio stick and move early, but Kid gets clobbered, and the Brothers go to work on him. Kid was a real tag team slut, wasn’t he? Eli Blu misses an avalanche to allow the tag, and Vega delivers a spinheel kick for two. Jacob Blu distracts him, however, and Eli recovers with a big boot to send Vega to the outside. Jacob attacks out there, and inside, Eli is ready with a backdrop for two. The Brothers cut the ring in half on Savio, until a miscommunication causes them to collide, and Kid gets the hot tag - Roseanne Barr the door! Kid catches Jacob with a spinheel kick, but Uncle Zeb breaks the pin behind the referee’s back, and Eli covers at 7:44. ¾*

Todd Pettengill is in the studio for the In Your House Report

Fatu is hanging around at the Cow Palace, thinking about drugs

Rad Radford v Scott Taylor: Joined in progress here. Of all the job guys, based on look alone, you'd never think Scott Taylor would be the one to 'make it' in the WWF. Radford with a bridging northern lights suplex at 2:07 shown. DUD

Skip v Russ Greenberg: Skip is coming off of the loss to Barry Horowitz here, which was one of the more memorable angles from this period. Not that it did Skip any favors, but it was good stuff. Meanwhile, the announcers talk about how the WWF is going ‘online,’ which I think may be the first reference to the internet on WWF TV. Feels like worlds colliding. Skip with a superplex at 2:04. Skip was looking much more sluggish here than usual. DUD

Isaac Yankem vignette

Adam Bomb v Kenny Kendall: Another one joined in progress. What’s the deal with that this week? Maybe they went a little too heavy with all the RAW clips and needed to make time? But no, checking reports, looks like they’re maybe cutting around a Barry Didinsky promo during the entrances. Why cut that out? And, even weirder, they cut around the fan as guest ring announcer thing for the Radford squash earlier. Bomb is so cold that the only talking points they have for him is that he’s going to be one of Diesel’s lumberjacks at In Your House. Adam with a flying clothesline at 2:18 shown. DUD

Todd is back with another In Your House Report. Funny to hear him proclaim Yokozuna and Owen Hart’s tag title reign as ‘very impressive.’ They’ve been champions for three months! Hardly the second coming of Demolition

In Your House ad

With My Baby Tonight music video

BUExperience: Junk this week. Very cold going into In Your House. Also, what was up with Dok correctly ‘predicting’ all the major finishes for the pay per view? I’m surprised Vince didn’t flip out and fire him on air.

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