Tuesday, March 5, 2024

WWF Superstars (May 6, 1995)


Original Airdate: May 6, 1995 (taped April 25)

From Des Moines, Iowa; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Dok Hendrix

WWF Tag Team Title Match: Yokozuna and Owen Hart v The New Headshrinkers: Odd blue gear for the Headshrinkers this week. Bad look. Owen attacks Fatu while Fatu is distracted by Mr. Fuji, but immediately blows his lead, and takes a powerslam for two. Fatu takes Owen into the corner for a ten-punch count, so Hart tries a turnbuckle smash, but Fatu no-sells. He takes Owen down for a headbutt drop to the groin, and both guys tag. Yoko hammers on Sionne, but a criss cross ends in Sionne delivering a matslam. A big boot knocks Yoko to the outside, so Owen runs in, but Sionne cleans house. The dust settles on Yoko powering Sionne into the heel corner for a double team, and Owen tags in, but Sionne reverses a cross corner whip. That allows him a backbreaker, and Fatu tags in for a tandem backdrop. The challengers wishbone Owen, so the heels try another double team, but it backfires. Another go is more successful, and Owen hits Fatu with a straddling ropechoke to turn the tide. The champs cut the ring in half on Fatu, but he manages to catch Owen with a sitout powerbomb, and Sionne gets the hot tag - Roseanne Barr the door! The challengers hit Owen with their finish, but Yoko is the legal man, and comes in to break it up. He hits Sionne with an avalanche, and the Banzai drop (from the bottom rope) finishes at 8:41. The New Headshrinkers > The Headshrinkers. They had some great chemistry, and were having solid matches with teams all over the place during this period. **

Todd Pettengill is in the studio for the In Your House Report. Not much here

Adam Bomb v Rock Werner: Why does Vince keep calling the house they’re giving away a ‘vacation home?’ It seems like a nice home for a family, not especially what a ‘vacation home’ generally is. But, I guess to someone like Vince, maybe that’s what a hotel room looks like. Bomb with a flying clothesline at 2:37. Bomb was getting a pretty good reaction at this point. DUD

Bertha Faye v Jessica Rivera: They did a complete 180 with Bertha’s character between the debut attack on Alundra Blayze and here. Speaking of ‘characters,’ what the hell is Dok Hendrix supposed to be? I mean, I get it, but I still can’t believe Vince got behind it. It’s just such a southern thing, and feels like wrasslin’. Bertha with a sitout powerbomb at 2:47. I’m surprised they didn’t bring Jessica back as Ultimate Warrior’s valet the next year. DUD

Hunter Hearst Helmsley v Sonny Rogers: We get a fan doing the ring announcing for this one. Vince is already all in on Hunter’s hair. Meanwhile, Marc Maron is not sure what to make of HHH, though Dok feels he has ‘respectful eyes,’ whatever the hell that’s supposed to be. It wasn’t actually Maron, to be clear. Though, maybe? Anyway, HHH with a cutter at 2:18. This was a very different HHH than the one we’d come to know in this gimmick. Not just the cutter as a finisher, but he was throwing dropkicks and spinheel kicks as well. ¼*

Bob Backlund is on spring break, trying to get the kids to vote Republican. Same clip from last week, boo

Todd (or ‘TP’ as he wants to be called, apparently)  is back with another In Your House Report. I wipe my ass with this

Tatanka v Kevin Kruger: More like K-Uger. Meanwhile, Dok apparently read my review of last week’s episode, because he says the same single thing he said that was interesting last week, this week. Well, good to know he can read. Tatanka with a Samoan drop at 2:42. DUD

Bodydonnas vignette

Undertaker v Dave Sigfrid: Sigfrid tries a sneak attack, but gets destroyed, and finished with the tombstone at 0:36. I didn’t think Undertaker was still doing the bodybag thing in 1995, thought that was pretty much exclusively a gray era thing. DUD

Henry Godwinn promises to soften WWF Champion Diesel up for Sycho Sid when they meet next week

BUExperience: I liked the feature match, the rest, less so. But I’m happy to see lots of new characters coming in, never a bad thing.

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