Thursday, August 8, 2024

NWA (ECW) Eastern Championship Wrestling (March 29, 1994)


Original Airdate: March 29, 1994

Your Host is Matty in the House from the studio

Video package with Ultimate Jeopardy highlights

#1 Contender's Falls Count Anywhere Match: Public Enemy v The Bruise Brothers: From Philadelphia Pennsylvania on March 5. Despite already seeing the Public Enemy win the title weeks ago on this show, we’re going back in time here. The general format of this show is very annoying, and hard to follow. And speaking of ‘annoying’ and ‘hard to follow’ : this match! They brawl through the crowd, weapons are used, bumps are taken. Whatever, you know the drill. Finally, a dog pile out in the crowd ends with the Brothers scoring the pin at 6:58. For those keeping score, that makes them the top contenders. To belts that the Enemy already won weeks ago. DUD

Clips of Public Enemy costing the Brothers their title shot against Tazmaniac and Kevin Sullivan later in the night

The Bruise Brothers are fuming

ECW Tag Team Champions Public Enemy are laughing

ECW Television Title Match: Sabu v Mike Awesome: From Philly on March 5, as we go back in time again. Sabu charges in, but loses a slugfest, and takes an inverted Oklahoma stampede. Awesome clotheslines him out of the ring from there, and Mike is on him with a springboard flying shoulderblock on the floor. Back in, Sabu tries a flying moonsault, but misses, and messes up his knee. That allows Mike to drop him across the top rope, and another clothesline puts Sabu back on the outside. Awesome stays on him with a suicide, so 911 comes over and chokes Mike out. That allows Sabu to put him through a table, and Sabu covers at 4:20. For those keeping score here, Sabu retains a belt that’s already changed hands twice since this. ½*

Paul E Dangerously is backstage, ‘crying’ to mock Mike Awesome. Paul offers Mike a match with 911, if he’s still not over it

In the dressing room after Ultimate Jeopardy, Shane Douglas celebrates his new ECW Title. Sherri pouring water over his head instead of champagne is the most ‘ECW’ thing ever. Various heels stop by to congratulate him, including even Tod Gordon coming by to begrudgingly congratulate him on behalf of the NWA

Road Warrior Hawk throws his name out as Shane’s first challenger

BUExperience: A very pointless episode, since everything was already openly stale content, and nothing much was advanced.

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