Tuesday, August 6, 2024

WWF Wrestling Challenge (December 7, 1986)


Original Airdate: December 7, 1986 (taped November 20)

From Rockford, Illinois; Your Hosts are Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Pedro Morales, Tito Santana, and Hillbilly Him v Iron Mike Sharpe, Barry O, and Brian Costello: Gorilla is saying it ‘Barryo,’ like ‘Jimmy,’ or something. The announcers discuss the news that Andre the Giant has been reinstated (or, in the words of Gary Davie, his “suspension has been suspended”), but Bobby doesn’t want to talk about that. Hillbilly with a bearhug on Costello at 2:10. DUD

Wrestlers’ Rebuttal is Harley Race complaining about not being on the cover of the WWF Magazine

Speaking of complaining, Honky Tonk Man is upset that the fans don’t appreciate him, even after he shook hands with all their ‘disgusting’ kids. So, from now on, he might slap a baby. He might hit a woman. He’s in full ‘fuck it’ mode, and I’m here for it

Kamala v Jack Foley: Gorilla notes that there’s no way Foley (a pre-fame Mick Foley) could possibly be as light as he’s announced here. And then he calls Foley by the wrong name for the entire match. No wonder the guy started wearing a mask and pulling his hair out of his head. Kamala with a flying splash at 0:37. Jack does a stretcher job here. DUD

Ken Resnick catches up with Bobby Heenan, wanting to get a clear dollar amount as to how much Bobby spent to buy Hercules’ contract, but it’s easier to get Bruce Prichard to talk numbers than Bobby

Gene Okerlund sits down with Bonnie Steamboat to discuss Ricky’s injury, and Bonnie is, like, really worried. Gene, of course, is super compassionate and kind

Don Muraco and Bob Orton v Mario Mancini and Max Blue: Jimmy Hart and Mr. Fuji split screen in to clarify that they work well together as a managerial team. Meanwhile, Gorilla continues his run, calling Mancini by the wrong name as well. Muraco with a tombstone at 1:38, and boy, he just dropped the guy on his head there. I don’t think he was injured, but it looked crazy. DUD

Resnick catches up with Billy Jack Haynes, who vows to take the WWF Intercontinental title from Randy Savage, should he get another shot. Haynes looks like a moron with that haircut/hat combo

Blackjack Mulligan vignette

The Hart Foundation v Salvatore Bellomo and Bob Boyer: Bret is giving off some Chris Moltisanti vibes this week. Meanwhile, WWF Tag Team Champions The British Bulldogs split screen in to warn the Foundation that Matilda will keep them from stealing the belts. The Hart Attack finishes Boyer at 1:20. DUD

Koko B Ware v Rick Renslow: Koko doesn’t even get an entrance this week. And Gorilla nearly botches Renslow’s name as well, and even Bobby is calling him on this shit now. Koko with a brainbuster at 1:31. DUD

Gene takes Danny Davis to task for some of his recent controversial calls as a referee, but Davis refuses to be held accountable

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Davey Boy Smith, Dynamite Kid, and Billy Jack Haynes v Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff, and Butch Reed: Smith and Sheik start, and Davey gets a hiptoss out of the initial lockup. Headlock, but Sheik forces a criss cross, won by Bulldog with a hanging vertical suplex. Tags to Kid and Volkoff, and a criss cross ends in Volkoff delivering a clothesline. That looked awkward. Kid fights him off and tags Billy, but Volkoff tags Reed at the same time. Reed tries a headlock, but Billy forces a criss cross, and manages a hiptoss. Elbowdrop, but Reed dodges. Reed tries one, but Billy dodges, and he passes to Kid. Kid tries a headlock, but Reed side suplexes him, and tags to Volkoff. Kid fights off an attack, and he passes to Davey for a backelbow, but Smith fails to cut the ring in half, and Reed catches a tag. Davey backdrops him, and tags Haynes for the full nelson. That draws everyone in, and Roseanne Barr the door! That allows Slick to nail Haynes with the cane, and Reed covers at 3:22. Short, but all action. * ¼ 

Resnick catches up with Slick to try to get to the bottom of the money question, but Prichard strikes again

BUExperience: This was fine, but certainly nothing you’d feel bad about missing.

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