Tuesday, August 20, 2024

NWA (JCP) World Championship Wrestling (June 28, 1986)


Original Airdate: June 28, 1986 (taped June 22)

From Atlanta, Georgia; Your Hosts are Tony Schiavone, David Crockett, and Jim Cornette

The Midnight Express v Sam Houston and George South: The NWA World Tag Team title is not on the line here. Only Sam Houston’s dignity. The rocket launcher finishes at 5:34. DUD

Baby Doll training video. Worse than it sounds

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Ivan Koloff, Nikita Koloff, and Krusher Kruschev v Rocky King, Gene Ligon, and Vernon Deaton: Cornette’s act is fine in small doses, but when he’s actively involved in angles, he’s overbearing on commentary. He’s better when he’s just there as a commentator, like in later years, but he just keeps ranting and ranting and ranting about Baby Doll, and enough dude. Like, Jerry Lawler would be in the middle of a blood feud with Bret Hart, but he’d focus on the match at hand most of the time when he was in the booth. Nikita with the Sickle at 6:05 (eastern, on the SuperStation). DUD

Warlord v Mike Somaini: Warlord without face paint is unnerving. And, of course, Baby Doll is in his corner, setting Cornette off on another extended rant. Warlord with a running powerslam at 0:55. DUD

Great American Bash Update. Why is Jim Crockett Jr dressed like a straight up pimp?

Arn Anderson and Ole Anderson v Tony Zane and Rocky Kernodle: Ole with a hammerlock at 4:11. At least Jim had something other than Baby Doll to talk about. Afterwards, Arn and Ole are joined by Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon at the desk, giving JJ a chance to do some ranting. DUD

Paul Ellering is out to remind Ric Flair that Road Warrior Hawk is coming for him. And then the Road Warriors join him to let him know themselves 

The Rock 'n' Roll Express v Golden Terror and Thunderfoot: This gives Cornette a chance to shift gears with his second favorite thing to rant endlessly about circa 1986: the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express. Ricky Morton is still sporting that ultra cool face mask, and the stereo dropkicks finish at 4:24. DUD

Earlier today, NWA World Champion Ric Flair stopped by the empty arena to cut a promo. Did someone in the crowd have a restraining order against him, or something? Or, maybe, he was just time traveling to 1992 WCW

Shaska Whatley and Baron von Raschke v Lee Peak and Dave Spencer: Cornette gets a funny line in here, forgetting Spencer’s name, and then sarcastically noting that he’s ‘one of the bigger names in wrestling’ once remembering. Jim’s a savage! Shaska with a superplex at 3:22. DUD

The Russians are out to promise Nikita’s impending US title win

Tully Blanchard v Italian Stallion: The NWA National title is nyet on the line here. Blanchard with a slingshot suplex at 1:59. DUD

Paul Jones’ Army is out to promise hair cutting. No mention on strutting

Ron Garvin and Wahoo McDaniel v Kent Glover and Paul Garner: Ron with a knockout punch for the pin at a brisk 1:16. DUD

Manny Fernandez is out to remind us he exists

BUExperience: What was this, Tag Team Night? As presented by the most annoying version of Jim Cornette imaginable? (and that’s saying something). 

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