Friday, August 9, 2024

WWF WrestleMania X Countdown Show (March 20, 1994)


Original Airdate: March 20, 1994

Your Host is Todd Pettengill from inside Madison Square Garden in New York City

A look at Lex Luger’s journey from July 4th to WrestleMania

Todd swings by the Paramount Theater (adjacent to MSG), where Jeff Jarrett shows up

Little Richard is ready for WrestleMania

Johnny Polo is outside of Jennie Garth’s dressing room, regaling us with a tale of having breakfast with her at a Denny’s earlier in the day 

Randy Savage/Crush feud review video. Todd referring to Crush as ‘Kona Crush’ wasn’t something I thought still was a thing after the heel turn

Polo is outside of Rhonda Shear’s dressing room, where a parade of men are walking out

Johnny takes us by the Gorilla Position, where the Heavenly Bodies are on their way out for the dark match

WWF Unbelievable ad

Polo takes as out into the arena, where the Bodies are squaring off with the Bushwhackers for the dark match

Razor Ramon/Shawn Michaels feud review video

Todd is in the upper decks, apologizing for shit

Polo catches up with Diesel backstage, who will be in Shawn’s corner, but just for support - Michaels ‘doesn’t need’ his help

Todd is still in the crowd, as we get a look at the Bushwhackers looking to put the Bodies away, but getting hit with a cheap shot, and pinned

Men on a Mission deliver the WrestleMania Rap. This is actually not bad

Todd is at ringside, making a last minute sales pitch for the pay per view

Jerry Lawler makes his entrance, taking a place at the commentary position, in his surprise return to the promotion. This is his first pay per view as the lead color commentator, and it was an immediate great fit. He and Vince McMahon had great chemistry, and were perfect partners for one another

Todd tests the ring announcers microphone, and officially welcomes everyone to WrestleMania

BUExperience: WrestleMania X is my absolute favorite show. I loved this.

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