Thursday, August 15, 2024

WWF Action Zone (March 10, 1996)


Original Airdate: March 10, 1996 

Your Hosts are Dok Hendrix and Sunny from the studio

Fatu v Justin Hawk Bradshaw: From Superstars on March 9 (taped February 20) in Huntington West Virginia. Uncle Zeb jabs Fatu with the branding iron at the bell, allowing Bradshaw to sneak up with a lariat at 0:08. The funniest part of this is that the ‘brand’ smudged so badly that it rubbed off in full form on Bradshaw. They’re twinsies! DUD

Justin Hawk Bradshaw v Scott D'Amore: Also from the March 9 Superstars. Bradshaw was unsatisfied with the level of competition earlier, and demanded another match to set this up. Bradshaw with the lariat at 1:11. Why are they still acting like the (obviously fake) branding iron is a real ‘brand?’ DUD

From the March 4 RAW, Goldust and Marlena hang out on the set of the old Piper's Pit, where they make all sorts of suggestive remarks directed at Roddy Piper. Gosh, how many times did they replay this skit? Stuff like Goldust noting that he 'almost erupted' when Piper broke the coconut over Jimmy Snuka's head, or that he spends lots of time alone contemplating Grapes of Wrath while looking Roddy in his 'skirt.' Even as a kid, I thought it was weird that Goldust was all of sudden completely focused on Piper, without so much as a word about Razor Ramon. This all builds up to Goldust playing Piper's bag pipe, and man, you know Roddy's gonna go nuclear on him. As much as it was annoying that the Ramon feud never got a proper resolution, it was saved by that fact that Piper was, perhaps, an even better pairing anyway

Slammy Award voting is now open! The Hog Pen match is in the running for Match of the Year, so you know it’s legit

Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels hype video. Good one, too, with Vince narrating, and taking a look back at each man’s life and career, leading to their meeting in Anaheim

The Karate Fighters Slam of the Week is Ahmed Johnson delivering a sitout tiger bomb on Superstars

WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Quarterfinal Match: Razor Ramon and Savio Vega v 1-2-3 Kid and Tatanka: From the March 9 Superstars. They hype that the Finals for this title tournament will take place on the Free For All at WrestleMania, which should tell you all you need to know about the importance of the tag title in 1996. Savio and Tatanka start, and Tatanka hammers him into the corner. Cross corner whip, but Vega reverses, and hiptosses him on the rebound. Tag to Razor, and Ramon tries to force a tag to Kid, but Kid hops off the apron to avoid it. Razor works a wristlock on Tatanka instead, and he passes back to Vega. Vega gets a standing side-headlock on, but Tatanka forces a criss cross, and Kid takes a cheap shot. That allows the heels to take control, and they work Vega over, cutting the ring in half. Vega catches Kid with a spinheel kick to allow the hot tag to Razor, and Roseanne Barr the door! Ramon tries the Razor’s Edge on Kid, but Tatanka saves, and Kid spinheel kicks him. Tatanka wastes time posing on the ropes to celebrate, and he sets himself up for the Edge at 6:08. What a terrible finish. Not much of a match, either. ½*

A look at Warrior’s WWF career. Or, well, specifically his wins over Hogan at WrestleMania VI, and Randy Savage at WrestleMania VII. And that’s all he ever did, if you believe the coverage we’ve been getting thus far

WrestleMania XII ad

Jim Ross is in the control center with the Ross Report, addressing some of the rumors about the Ultimate Warrior, such as that he’s become a vegetarian, and lost a hundred pounds of muscle 

Various wrestlers discuss various injuries they’ve had over the years

And we close with Billionaire Ted, as this week Ted goes on a TV game show, where he's matched up against a ditzy blonde. The gag here is that the host reads all sorts of racist, misogynistic, and otherwise generally embarrassing actual quotes from Ted Turner under the guise of 'trivia questions.' Really unnecessary stuff. The highlight here is when the host asks Nacho Man where Huckster is, and we cut to Huckster handcuffed to a ring post inside of an empty arena, crying out for help. See, now that's both timely and funny

BUExperience: Miss Superstars this week? Here it is again, in full. Seriously, there were only two segments here that didn’t appear on Superstars. Total waste of time.

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