Tuesday, December 30, 2014

WWF Monday Night RAW (July 10, 1995)

Original Airdate: July 10, 1995 (Taped June 26)

From Danville, Pennsylvania; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

We start with a video recap of the Diesel/Sid feud. Vince referring to Sid as the 'most ferocious weapon on the Million Dollar Corporations arsenal' is pretty hilarious. As opposed to who, IRS?

Roadie v Jerry Flynn: Apparently Jeff Jarrett will be singing his new song ('Ain't I Great,' in 'stores' 'now') live at In Your House, and according to Jerry Lawler, Dolly Parton might show up just to throw her room key at him. Hopefully she doesn't also throw something at Sid, because he might run away, and then we'd have to endure another three pay per views of feuding over it. The promos would probably be pretty awesome, though. Roadie with a powerbomb at 2:38. DUD

Since it took them forever to finally payoff the long running angle with Jeff Jarrett's singing, we stop to recap the entire saga from its beginnings in 1993, all the way through the music video out now. Nice bit of foreshadowing that Roadie was actually the singer, as the video is labeled as a 'Red Eye Production'

Backstage, The Allied Powers prepare for the challenge that is Tatanka and Henry Godwinn

Barry Didinsky wants you to buy the new Razor Ramon t-shirt! Razor couldn't be with us tonight (another Red Eye Production, I wonder?), but for only $20 you can be with Razor all night, every night!

Savio Vega v Mike Khoury: They tried, but Savio was just not going anywhere, and fast. My friends and I were super marks in 1995, and I can tell you not one kid at the lunch table gave a shit about Savio Vega. If you're not lunch table over, what are you? Vega with a cradle at 1:46. DUD

At the Special Olympics, the WWF Superstars went sailing. I believe that's called 'Charlie Cheswick Style'

In Your House promo. I'm surprised Man Mountain Rock would be in the same room with Bob Backlund to film this

Vince brings Ted DiBiase and Sid out for an in-ring interview to discuss the In Your House. And, since it's a Lumberjack Match, they unveil their posse of heels. And holy shit, this is the saddest assortment of heels I've ever seen. This almost makes the 1996 Royal Rumble look stacked

Yesterday on the Action Zone, Barry Horowitz scores his first ever victory, over Skip. This was definitely lunch table over

Hunter Hearst Helmsley v Matt Hardy: Fans doing a sarcastic golf clap to taunt HHH is pretty hilarious. Also, this match is sponsored by Pep Boys, since HHH can't draw on his own, apparently. But they're selling him as the WWFs version of Hugh Grant! And he comes from Greenwich! Where the BMWs come in as many colors as M&Ms! Vince also notes that WWF President Jack Tunney retired over the last week, so we should be seeing Gorilla Monsoon assume the role soon. I always liked Tunney. Unlike authority figures today, he was actually believable in the role. I mean, Triple H and Stephanie actually ARE authority figures, but they come off more like characters. HHH with the Pedigree at 3:12. DUD

In Your House Report

The Allied Powers v Tatanka and Henry Godwinn: That's a lot of pyro for such a small arena. The heels attack before the bell, but the Powers clean house, and the dust settles on Lex Luger and Tatanka. Tatanka manages to DDT him to immediately kick off the heat segment, as they cut the ring in half. Hey, no complaints from me - whatever gets this over with sooner. I'll also note that Tatanka's new handprint theme for his gear looks really shitty, and babyfacish. If they were already shelling out for new gear, would it have killed them to put some skulls, or tomahawks, or anything heelish on there? What about dollar signs, since he sold out to Ted DiBiase, and all? Luger manages to escape a headvise from Godwinn to make the tag, and Davey Boy Smith is a doghouse of fire! Four-way brawl, and Bulldog hits the Running Powerslam on Tatanka at 7:30. DUD

Isaac Yankem continues to torment patients as a warning to Bret Hart. At least he wears gloves. Though, I'm pretty sure if I went to the dentist, and some guy was sitting there dressed as a king and rambling about professional wrestling, I'd run out of there faster than Sid does from Diesel

BUExperience: Another terrible episode, in a series of them. I was actually thinking about going ahead and finishing up the next episode as well, but I’ve lost all will to snark

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