Tuesday, January 2, 2024

NWA (ECW) Eastern Championship Wrestling (January 25, 1994)


Original Airdate: January 25, 1994

Your Host is Joey Styles from the studio. Everything this week was taped on January 8 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania

After the show went off the air, Jay Sulli had the unenviable task of telling Public Enemy that their match got bumped because Terry Funk/Shane Douglas went too long, and they flip out, despite Jay’s assurances that they’re still getting paid and still getting the match, the only difference is that it won’t air until next week. Are they new to the wrestling business? So Tod Gordon comes in to try and calm things down, but gets choked out, until he throws the word ‘cops’ in, and Public Enemy back down, since they’ve got priors

Public Enemy v Duane Gill and Don E Allen: This was what they were so upset got bumped? Not a title match, and not even a major team. The Enemy just destroy these guys, taking out their aggressions, and finishing Allen with a flying somersault senton splash at 4:24. DUD

Backstage, Gordon is fuming about Public Enemy putting their hands on him, but he’s not calling the cops… he’s not suspending them… better, he’s booking them in a no holds barred match against the Bruise Brothers

Tommy Dreamer v Doctor Disaster: Joey is still running his mouth about how the forty five minute draw last week was an all-time classic, and considering how these fans took everything he said as gospel, no wonder people still believe it. Rest assured, it was nyet good. Dreamer with a cobra legsweep at 3:28. ¼*

Mr. Hughes v Mikey Whipwreck: This is Mikey's debut, and I have a feeling it’s not going to go well for the young man. Hughes with a scrapbuster (which Mikey sells by nearly hitting the ceiling) at 2:31. ¼*

ECW Title Match: Terry Funk v Pat Tanaka: Well, never let it be said that Funk wasn’t a hard worker… this was taped after the forty five minute match. Funk attacks, and knocks Tanaka to the outside right away, with Pat twisting his ankle. Terry stays on him with kicks from the apron, and he bashes Pat’s face into the guardrail out there. Inside, Funk delivers a piledriver for two, and he chokes Pat with some wrist tape, so Tanaka starts throwing headbutts. Pat slugs Funk out of the ring, and Tanaka kicks him in the balls as Funk climbs back in. Tanaka with a jumping forearm for two, so Ian Rotten tries a distraction, but Paul Diamond takes him out. That allows Tanaka to stay on Funk with a headbutt drop to the groin, but Kevin Sullivan and Tazmanic show up to attack Diamond, and Tanaka gets distracted - Funk schoolboying at 4:47. A pretty weak match, but at least it was weak in five minutes, not forty five. ½*

Matty in the House catches up with Paul E Dangerously, trying to find out more about the big fella that appeared as Sabu’s handler last week, but Dangerously is playing coy

Kevin Sullivan and Tazmaniac v Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond: This is scheduled as a non-title match against Don E Allen and Duane Gill, but Tanaka and Diamond are pissed about what happened in the last match, and push past to steal the bout. They all brawl to the outside right away, and Tanaka grabs a hammer, and starts teeing off on Kevin. Badd Company dominate the brawl on the outside, and the dust settles on Tazmaniac and Tanaka. Pat dominates, but Kevin catches a tag, so Paul tags in as well. Diamond unloads in the corner, and a 2nd rope bulldog connects, but Sullivan manages to tag out. Tazmaniac tries a backdrop, but gets DDT’d for his trouble, and Pat tags in. He grabs a standing headlock, so Tazmaniac forces a criss cross, and manages a suplex to win it. Backdrop, but Tanaka uses a sitout powerbomb to block, though Kevin saves at two. Sullivan blasts Pat with a pair of headbutts, and they cut the ring in half on Tanaka. Diamond catches the hot tag, and Roseanne Barr the door! Paul with a flying twisting bodypress on Tazmaniac for two, and a gourdbuster gets him two. Tazmaniac tries a suplex, but Diamond counters to a victory cradle at 6:25. Afterwards, Sullivan knocks Diamond out with a hammer, and the babyface locker room comes out to help, as we get desperate calls for medical attention. * ¼ 

Tanaka calls in from the hospital, where Diamond is getting treatment. Was the hospital literally next door? Also, Tanaka was using the hammer on Sullivan during the match, so, really, they started it. Tanaka is so mad that he promises that, if Diamond can’t make the title match against them, he’s bringing in a secret weapon… one that Sullivan is known to be terrified of… the Sheik! 

BUExperience: A fun episode this week, as the angles are interesting, and we’re getting better workers as things progress.

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