Sunday, January 28, 2024

WWF Superstars (February 25, 1995)


Original Airdate: February 25, 1995 (taped January 24)

From West Palm Beach, Florida; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Gorilla Monsoon

20-Man Battle Royal: This seems so random, considering we’re just a few weeks removed from the Royal Rumble, and there’s no stakes. We’ve got: Davey Boy Smith, King Kong Bundy, 1-2-3 Kid, Mantaur, Duke Droese, Jerry Lawler, Jacob Blu, Eli Blu, Shawn Michaels, Sionne, Fatu, Bob Holly, Mabel, Mo, Henry Godwinn, Tom Prichard, Jimmy Del Ray, Adam Bomb, Aldo Montoya, and Kwang. Everyone goes after Rumble winner Michaels, so Shawn just jumps over the top and walks out, in a funny bit. And perfectly acceptable in kayfabe terms, as again, no stakes, and why risk injury before your world title shot on the biggest show of the year? So, it’s the usual battle royal stuff, including everyone ganging up to eliminate Mabel and Bundy. Lawler gets dumped, but lands on one foot, and decides to hop around so he can sneak in later. That draws Bret Hart out (getting a bigger reaction that anyone in the match), and he stomps on Lawler’s foot to force the elimination through. It’s pretty funny that whenever they take the title off of Bret, they have two go-tos: give him a bullshit award, and have him feud with Jerry Lawler. We get down to Smith, Mantaur, Kid, and Eli, and Kid is first gone. Mantaur tries to dump Davey, but gets backdropped out, and we’re down to two. Smith manages to deliver a running powerslam, and he looks to dump him, but Michaels runs back out to block him. Why? What does he care? But then Eli blows his chance, and misses a charge, taking himself over the top at 18:57. This was insanely long. DUD

Live Event News is a look at WWF Champion Diesel again rubbing elbows with various celebrities at an NBA Jam event

Backstage, Jeff Jarrett and Roadie shine up the WWF Intercontinental title belt 

Jeff Jarrett v Ben Jordan: The WWF Intercontinental title is not on the line, and we get Steve Mizerak as the guest ring announcer. And he’s apparently so fat that he has to do the honors from the ring apron. That’s a special breed. He’s also known as ‘the Miz,’ apparently. Jeff with the figure four at 3:02. Quite the dull squash. DUD

WrestleMania XI ad. Hartford felt like such a step down, especially since they’d done big shows in New York and Chicago in 1994

The mafia employs Diesel to… sign autographs for fans?

Man Mountain Rock v Bob Cook: Monsoon is one of my favorite commentators, and it’s interesting to hear how he has completely different styles depending on the type of show. He’s so much more animated here than when calling a house show. Rock with a gourdbuster at 1:30. DUD

Backstage, Owen Hart wants to go after the Smoking Gunns for the WWF Tag Team title, but he doesn’t have a partner. Well, maybe if you weren’t such an asshole. Also, what happened to Jim Neidhart? Where’d he disappear to all of a sudden? 

NYPD Blue’s Nicholas Turturro interrogates Paul Bearer (who is dressed in drag) about the death of Yokozuna. About time someone held him accountable 

Owen Hart v Gary Scott: Vince puts over Bret’s performance in Lonesome Dove, and predicts he may even one day win an Oscar. Yeah, good luck with that. Owen with the Sharpshooter at 2:36. DUD

BUExperience: Really weak stuff this week.

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