Monday, January 8, 2024

WWF Superstars (January 14, 1995)


Original Airdate: January 14, 1995 (taped December 14, 1994)

From Newark, Delaware; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Semifinal Match: The New Headshrinkers v Tatanka and Bam Bam Bigelow: The heels attack before the bell, but get reversed into the ropes, and the Headshrinkers clean house. A combo on Tatanka gets them two, but Fatu hits a boot on a corner charge. That allows Tatanka to throw chops, but Fatu no-sells, and drops him with a headbutt. Tag to Sionne, but he fails to cut the ring in half, and Tatanka tags as well. A criss cross ends in Sionne landing a jumping clothesline, and a 2nd rope headbutt drop follows, but Bam Bam dodges. Bam Bam tries a bodypress, but Sionne catches him in a slam (impressive), as the Heavenly Bodies split screen in, since they’ve decided they’ll be facing the winners of this in the finals. Fatu tags in and turns Bigelow inside out with a clothesline, so Tatanka takes a cheap shot, and Bam Bam sends Fatu backflipping with a big clothesline of his own. The Corporation work Fatu over, as 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly split screen in to make sure we know they’re still in this race. Sionne gets the tag, but accidentally whips Bam Bam right into Fatu, taking him out. Sionne stays focused with a bodyslam on Bigelow for two, and a powerslam follows, so Tatanka comes in. Sionne tosses him over the top, and he goes up with a flying headbutt drop for two, but gets distracted because Tatanka is going after the downed Fatu on the outside. That allows Bigelow to recover, and he schoolboys at 6:23. This was a lot better than I expected, as they went out there and actually had a hard hitting match, instead of just doing a resthold exhibition. ** ¼ 

Live Event News is Stephanie Wiand - and her insane hair - recapping the Undertaker/Irwin R Schyster feud

Man Mountain Rock vignette. And he’s immediately lame

Jeff Jarrett v Mike Moraldo: We get a fan doing the ring announcing this week, and Lawler rightly notes that the guy looks like Waldo of ‘Where’s Waldo?’ I like Jarrett’s gear here, it’s like something out of Randy Savage’s closet. Vince wonders if Roadie will try to interfere in the Intercontinental title match at the Royal Rumble. Ya think? Like, has literally every match he’s been at ringside for not yet given you an indication? Jarrett with a figure four at 2:08. DUD

Vince brings WWF Champion Diesel, and Vince wants to know what Diesel has to say to people who say he’s changed since winning the title. “Well, maybe I smile more than I used to,” as Vince absolutely beams at him. It’s funny how they knew people thought it sucked, but instead of pivoting, just kept doubling down and doubling down until all his heat was gone. Also, what’s up with them suddenly trying to make Bret Hart look like an old man with Diesel (who is only two years younger) talking about how he watched Bret wrestle ‘when he was a kid’

Duke Droese v Chris Kanyon: Duke split screens in, and apparently he thinks he actually has a chance of winning the Rumble. This guy couldn’t win if he drew number thirty! Not a joke, he really couldn’t. Droese with a tilt-a-whirl slam at 1:24. DUD

Hakushi vignette

Todd Pettengill is in the studio with the Royal Rumble Report

WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Semifinal Match: The Heavenly Bodies v 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly: Tom Prichard and Holly start, and Bob dominates with armbars, as Lawler makes fun of Dick Murdoch entering the Rumble. He may be a heel, but he ain’t wrong. Bob with a 2nd rope bodypress for two, and he passes to Kid, who wins a criss cross with a monkey flip. Kid goes to an armbar, but Tom bodyslams free, and tags Jimmy Del Ray. Del Ray uses a headlock takeover, but Kid forces a criss cross, and knocks him to the outside with a dropkick. Kid brings him back in hardway, and a superkick connects. Kid with an armdrag into an armbar, and he passes to Holly for a wristlock. Del Ray tries reversing, but gets clobbered, and Holly holds another armbar. Back to Kid for a spinkick, and Del Ray falls out of the ring. Jim Cornette helps him beat the count, and he tags Tom - who promptly walks into an armdrag. Kid with a spinkick, but Del Ray catches a blind tag, and clobbers him. That turns the tide, and the Bodies cut the ring in half. Kid fights off a combo for the hot tag, and Holly hits Tom with a powerslam for two. A dropkick gets another two, but Kid is sick of Del Ray breaking the covers, and Roseanne Barr the door! Cornette comes in to try helping Tom reverse a cradle on Holly, but Kid reverses it back at 6:59! This tournament started out so badly, but at least it got better as it went along. * ½ 

Live Event News is a look at the Diesel/Bret Hart match for the Rumble

Vince and Jerry head down to ringside to get post match comments from Kid and Holly, and Lawler cuts a promo on them on behalf of Bam Bam and Tatanka

BUExperience: Hey, two feature matches (and with actual stakes) is nothing to sneeze at for this show.

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