Tuesday, January 16, 2024

WWF Superstars (February 4, 1995)


Original Airdate: February 4, 1995 (taped January 10)

From Corpus Christi, Texas; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler

Undertaker v Henry Godwinn: So, I guess Godwinn is a heel, then? Why are they making it so confusing? Henry mocks Undertaker for losing the urn, but that does not go well for him. Cross corner whip, but Godwinn reverses, and follows in with an elbow. Unfortunately, Undertaker no-sells, so Henry tries a clothesline, but Undertaker ducks, and hits him with a jumping version. Undertaker with a ropewalk forearm, but Godwinn clotheslines him over the top before the dead man can follow up, and that turns the tide. Henry puts the boots to him on the way back in, and he puts a bearhug on. Undertaker escapes, so Godwinn bodyslams him, setting up a trio of elbowdrops for two. Undertaker makes a quick comeback from there, but Henry escapes the tombstone, and drops him with a clothesline. Godwinn unloads, but misses another clothesline, and Undertaker chokeslams him at 6:45. Not very good, but they did a good job of building drama with Undertaker being unable to perform without the power of the urn. ½*

Live Event News is a look at Bob Backlund’s new announcement that, win, lose, or draw, he will put every opponent in the crossface chickenwing from now on. Uh, okay. That’s not really such a big threat. I mean, it’s a deadly finisher, but if he could guarantee that every time then he could also guarantee victory every time. But that doesn’t work out for him, does it? Also, why does Stephanie Wiand sound like he’s about to cry with every syllable? 

Mantaur v Gary Scott: Mantaur has a much more complete and impressive look than he did in his debut, and he’s managed by Jim Cornette now as well. All this is supposed to add up to something, but sadly for the guy, he just didn’t get over at all. Mantaur with a modified spinebuster at 1:44. DUD

The Bushwhackers v Reno Riggins and Adam Croom: The announcers reveal that Lawrence Taylor will answer Bam Bam Bigelow’s challenge this coming Monday on RAW. Poor Reno is getting a low level partner this week. Don’t they know Riggins is an elite level jobber? Disrespect! The Bushwhackers with a combo at 1:54. Well, at least Croom ate the pin. DUD

Man Mountain Rock vignette

King Kong Bundy v Bill Weaver: We get a kid doing the ring announcing for this one. Bundy’s another one that I’m surprised they bothered with at this point. His 80s run was ancient history, and all my generation really knew him for was jobbing to Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 2. And being made to look like a fool by midgets at WrestleMania III. Bundy with the avalanche at 1:06. Poor Bundy can’t even get the referee to respect his requests for a five count anymore. He’s done. DUD

Shawn Michaels hosts the Heartbreak Hotel (taped elsewhere, again openly acknowledged), and his guest this week is WWF Champion Diesel. Or, well, a cardboard cutout of WWF Champion Diesel. Why is that cutout Andre the Giant sized? 

Duke Droese v Brooklyn Brawler: Lawler keeps pushing this weird ‘Bret Hart is prejudiced against Japanese people’ angle here, though Vince assures us that officials will put a stop to it if proven. And then makes a racist joke where he switches the ‘l’ in ‘apologize’ with an ‘r.’ Duke with a tilt-a-whirl slam at 1:36. DUD

The Blu Brothers v Butch Long and Jason Ahrndt: The Blu Twins are big hosses, but this division is so weak that they really had nowhere to go, especially with Owen Hart and Yokozuna earmarked as the heel team to carry the belts for a while. The Brothers with a combo at 2:39. DUD

Live Event News is a look at the Shawn Michaels/Adam Bomb match scheduled for next week. That could actually be fun. And, hey, at least Wiand doesn’t sound like she’s about to have a mental breakdown at any moment this time

BUExperience: This was mostly okay, but it’s worth noting that the collection of gimmicks they were making a go of it with during this period were some of the dirt worst.

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