Wednesday, May 8, 2024

NWA (ECW) Eastern Championship Wrestling (March 1, 1994)


Original Airdate: March 1, 1994

Your Host is Joey Styles from the studio

Cameras catch Jason coming out of the shower

Tod Gordon isn’t interested in stopping the chaos in ECW, he’s just going to try and top it

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Jimmy Snuka, Rockin' Rebel, and Pitbull v Tommy Cairo, Tommy Dreamer, and Salvatore Bellomo: From Philadelphia Pennsylvania on February 4 1994. Pitbull and Cairo start, and Pitbull dominates him with a series of suplexes. Pitbull adds a pair of savate kicks, and another suplex follows. Pitbull passes to Rebel, but Cairo manages an armdrag on him, and he passes to Bellomo. A distraction allows Rebel to nail him, and the heels triple team Bellomo in their corner. They work Bellomo over, cutting the ring in half, until he manages a bodyslam on Snuka, and Dreamer catches the tag. The heels all hold Jimmy back, however, and Dreamer gets Pitbull instead. Tommy runs wild on him, and looks a million times better and more professional than anyone else in the match thus far. Dreamer misses a charge to allow the tag to Rebel, and they deliver a double team on Tommy. Dreamer manages to nail Rebel with a leg-feed enzuigiri, and Bellomo catches the hot tag - Roseanne Barr the door! Bellomo isolates Rebel, and delivers a bodyslam to set up a splash at 11:40. ½*

Matty In The House goes to Jason’s hotel room to find out what Jason thinks of Road Warrior Hawk. Worth the trip. Shit, gas must have been cheap as hell in 1994

Axl Rotten and Ian Rotten v Sabu and 911: From Philadelphia Pennsylvania on February 4 1994. Sabu charges in and runs wild on both guys, then with 911 holding Axl, Sabu hits Ian with a dive on the outside. Sabu backdrops Ian into the crowd, and then dives after him with a springboard moonsault press. Meanwhile, 911 just keeps holding Axl back like a bouncer, and Ian manages to backdrop a charging Sabu on the floor. Ian adds a somersault senton from the apron, and he heads in to help Axl, but 911 chokes them both down, and ends up getting disqualified over it at 2:20. Not much to it as a match, but a fun segment. ¼*

Shane Douglas reflects on all the asses he’s kicked. As one does

ECW Tag Team Title Falls Count Anywhere Match: Kevin Sullivan and Tazmaniac v The Bruise Brothers: From Philadelphia Pennsylvania on February 4 1994. Everyone brawls on the outside right away, and there’s a funny bit where they spill into the crowd, and a group of boy scouts scatter. The permission slips for that one must have been something. Into the ring, Tazmaniac lands a suplex, but there’s no referee, so no count. Another referee runs in, but Sullivan decks him for the hell of it, and everyone keeps brawling. It ends up with Tazmaniac covering one Brother while the other Brother covers Sullivan for a double pin at 2:52. So the champions retain (though the ring announcer calls it for the Brothers), but it doesn’t matter, as Public Enemy come out and steal the belts. DUD

Jay Sulli catches up with Public Enemy backstage, as they celebrate with ‘their’ belts. That party quickly gets broken up by Sullivan, Tazmaniac, and the Bruise Brothers, and it’s a symphony of shouting to end the episode

BUExperience: Yawn.

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