Thursday, May 9, 2024

WWF Superstars (September 23, 1995)


Original Airdate: September 23, 1995 (taped August 29)

From Erie, Pennsylvania; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler

Bam Bam Bigelow and Henry Godwinn v Tatanka and Kama: Bam Bam and Tatanka start, and Bigelow knocks him around a bit. Tatanka manages to slug him a bit, and he passes to Kama for a double team, but Bigelow fights them both off. Tag to Henry for a clothesline on Kama, and a hiptoss follows, as Ted DiBiase heads to the back. Tag to Bam Bam to cross corner whip Kama, but he stupidly does so into the heel corner, and Tatanka attacks. That was a pretty stupid move on his part. The heels go to work on Bigelow as DiBiase comes back out with Sycho Sid in tow, and Bam Bam gets the tag after a collision with Tatanka that leaves both men down. Godwinn runs wild on Kama, but Tatanka pulls the top rope down as Henry runs them, and Godwinn takes a bump over the top. Sid meets him there with a powerbomb on the floor, and Godwinn is counted out at 7:05. Not much to this one. ½*

Dok Hendrix is in the studio with Slam Jam, which is basically another name for the In Your House Report. Why not just let Todd Pettengill do these? Maybe it’s just me, but Dok is one of my least favorite characters of all time, so I’m a little biased 

Backstage, Isaac Yankem flosses

WrestleMania XI: The Special ad

Hunter Hearst Helmsley v Tony Williams: Helmsley sprays perfume everywhere so he can work with Godwinn’s stench all over the ring. They don’t explicitly state it, but it’s a nice touch how he always does it after Godwinn’s appearances. HHH with the pedigree at 1:44. DUD

Goldust vignette

Vince brings WWF Champion Diesel and WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels out to discuss the Triple Header at In Your House, but they’re quickly interrupted by WWF Tag Team Champions Yokozuna and Owen Hart. Jim Cornette compares Diesel and Shawn to ketchup and ice cream - two things that are great on their own, but a terrible combination. Great line. Good hard sell segment here, as they snipe at each other

In Your House ad

Bob Holly v Isaac Yankem: Yankem tries powering him around, but Bob has speed on his side. Bob with a drop-toehold into a wristlock, but Isaac fights him off with a short-clothesline, followed by a backelbow. Yankem with a bodyslam for two, and he drops Bob across the top rope. Holly avoids a turnbuckle smash, allowing him a missile dropkick, but Bob bumps his head on the landing. He manages to stay on the comeback trail, and a dropkick finds the mark for two. Yankem quickly fights back with a DDT, however, and Holly is done at 5:12. Another one with not much going on. ½*

Sycho Sid v Savio Vega: Sid takes him into the corner for some shots right away, but Vega returns fire. Sid tries a clothesline, but misses. A big boot, but misses, and Vega manages a ten-punch in the corner. Sid tries another clothesline, but misses again - though he manages to get Vega with a chokeslam. Perseverance! Powerbomb time, but Bam Bam Bigelow runs in for the DQ at 1:22 before he can deliver it. What is this, a Nitro main event? Afterwards, Henry Godwinn comes out, and slops Sid. Watching most of this run, you’d think Sid was done as a top guy, and it’s kind of a testament to how great he could be that he not only wasn’t done, but that he won the world title in both major North American promotions, and main evented a WrestleMania. DUD

Dok is back with another Slam Jam for In Your House

Backstage, Sid is in a rage, and smashing stuff up like he’s in Montreal

In Your House ad

Backstage, Sid is still in a rage

BUExperience: Another week with multiple feature matches, but little intrigue.

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