Wednesday, May 29, 2024

NWA (JCP) World Championship Wrestling (May 31, 1986)


Original Airdate: May 31, 1986 (taped May 25)

From Atlanta, Georgia; Your Hosts are Tony Schiavone and David Crockett

Dusty Rhodes and Baby Doll are out right away, and they’re sick of talking about the James Boys. You and me, pal

Manny Fernandez and Hector Guerrero v Bob Owens and Thunderfoot: Fernandez and Guerrero display good team work here, with quick tags in and out. I’m giving the credit for anything good going on here to Hector, since Fernandez sucks. But he still gets to make the pin with the jumping forearm at 3:09. ¼*

NWA Television Champion Arn Anderson is out to rant a bit. Good to vent

We get clips of Ricky Morton getting a visual pin on NWA World Champion Ric Flair, but the referee is out, and there’s no count. That allows the Horsemen to run in, and they break Morton’s nose to properly brutalize him

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express are out, and Morton has not one but two ring usable protective face masks ready, so Flair will get his soon. Also, his nose is hurt, but his nose is nowhere near his heart, so he’s okay. Forget a face mask, get this kid a head doctor, stat

Wahoo McDaniel v Vernon Deaton: Steve Regal is out to do guest commentary on this one, taking Jimmy Garvin’s side in his feud with McDaniel. McDaniel with a chop and an elbowdrop at 2:37. DUD

Sandy Scott hosts a press conference for the contract signing between NWA United States Champion Magnum TA and Nikita Koloff, though I doubt that there are any press in the room, authentic or not. Anyway, everyone signs the papers, and then Nikita cuts a promo, but Magnum dives over the table to attack, and ends up getting his ass handed to him. Well, Nikita had Ivan Koloff with him, and Magnum appeared to have his… mother? What did he expect?

Shaska Whatley v Bill Mulkey: Paul Jones and his Army stop by to do guest commentary on this one. Whatley with a vertical superplex at 2:30. DUD

NWA World Champion Ric Flair is out, but he’s too busy enjoying his new custom suit to feel bad about breaking Ricky Morton’s nose

NWA National Champion Tully Blanchard is out, and you know, one thing that really improved in the Attitude Era was that they’d have stables come out and do their promos all at once, instead of giving each guy separate time. Anyway, they’re going to embarrass Ron Garvin

The Midnight Express v Brodie Chase and Art Pritts: The NWA World Tag Team title is not on the line here. Jim Cornette now has Big Bubba Rogers with him as a bodyguard, so I guess he’s been picked out of the chorus line, and his days as a jobber are officially over. Bobby Eaton with a flying elbowdrop at 4:28. Afterwards, the Express swing by the desk, and Cornette officially introduces us to Bubba. DUD

Jimmy Garvin is out, and he doesn’t appreciate Wahoo driving by his house with his lights off, scaring his white neighbors

The Rock 'n' Roll Express v David Dillinger and Paul Garner: The Express quickly put this away with stereo dropkicks at 0:18. I can get behind this kind of work from them. DUD

Nikita Koloff and Ivan Koloff are out, and they clarify that Magnum got what he deserved for bringing a woman to a business meeting. Oh, so Ole was booking at this point?

Barbarian and Baron von Raschke v Rocky King and Italian Stallion: And, hilariously, the announcers immediately talk about Ole Anderson coming back, so maybe I was actually on to something. Barbarian with a flying headbutt drop at 3:51. DUD

NWA President Bob Geigel gives an update on the Great American Bash tour

Ron Garvin v Kent Glover: Garvin with a punch to put this away at a brisk 0:45. Good man. DUD

Jim Cornette is back out, and he thinks Baby Doll’s challenge to him for a match is a joke. But, if she wants it, he’ll put her in her place

BUExperience: No quality wrestling this week, but strong angles up and down, as they move toward the Bash.

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