Tuesday, May 14, 2024

WWF Superstars (September 30, 1995)


Original Airdate: September 30, 1995 (taped September 26)

From Valparaiso, Indiana; Your Hosts are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler

Barry Horowitz gives Hakushi lessons on American life

Skip and Rad Radford v Hakushi and Barry Horowitz: Skip and Hakushi start, but the crowd chants for Barry, so he tags in. That triggers a tag to Rad, so Barry puts him in a headlock. Radford forces a criss cross, and manages a hiptoss, but Barry fights him off with an armdrag into an armbar. Radford slugs free and passes to Skip, but Barry is ready for him with a hiptoss, followed by a drop-toehold, and mounted punches. Headlock, but Skip whips him into the ropes to escape, and Radford takes a cheap shot. That allows Skip to take control, and a snap suplex connects. The heels go to work on Barry, as Dean Douglas wanders out to observe from the aisle. Well, clearly he liked what he saw with Skip. Skip misses a rocket launcher to allow the hot tag to Hakushi, and he runs wild. Tag back to Barry for a tandem superplex, and Horowitz adds a legdrop, but Rad distracts the referee to prevent a count. Rad then nails Barry on his way out of the ring, but Hakushi retaliates by hitting Skip with a flying splash to prevent him from capitalizing! Both guys are left looking up at the lights, and Barry rolls over to pin Skip at 8:08. Man, the first job didn’t do him any favors, but by this point, there was no saving Skip. I’m shocked he actually got a tag title run after this continued burial. A solid match, though. * ½ 

Dok Hendrix is in the studio for the Slam Jam In Your House Report, and they already announce Diesel v Davey Boy Smith for the WWF Title. For those keeping track, the number of these shows before they went with a lackluster, TV level main event: four

Razor Ramon v Al Brown: It’s not too often they run towns I’ve never even heard of, making this a real low point for the promotion. Odd gear for Ramon this week, with yellow tights/kneepads and red boots/elbow pads. He looks less like Hulk Hogan than he does a greasy McDonalds mascot. Ramon with the Razor’s Edge at 1:42. Great reactions for Ramon throughout here. DUD

Ahmed Johnson has faced a life full of challenges, and he’s ready for the biggest challenge of all: the WWF

Bob Holly v AC Connor: You can see why Connor got a chance, he looks really good here, and is working accordingly. Good speed, and hanging with Holly move for move. And Bob gives him a lot here, which is great. Holly with a flying bodypress at 1:50. Another good crowd reaction here, as this mystery town is clearly easier to impress than the big cities. ¼*

Fatu is going to make a difference… in his rap career

The Blu Brothers v Sonny Rogers and Bill Gorgan: ‘Gorgan?’ Gorgan. He dresses like someone from 1993 ECW. The Brothers with a combo at 2:45. The Brothers don’t get a big reaction, for those keeping score. Good for you, Valparaiso. It’s important to have standards. DUD

Dean Douglas is ready to challenge Shawn Michaels for the WWF Intercontinental title at In Your House. I hear the words he’s saying, but it’s hard to take him seriously when he promises to win the title, and then challenges Barry Horowitz in the next breath

Davey Boy Smith v Fatu: Fatu slugs him down at the bell, and whip into the ropes allows him a backdrop. Fatu with a corner clothesline, and a backbreaker gets him two, so Jim Cornette trips him up. Fatu takes the bait, allowing Bulldog to recover, but Fatu blocks the sneak attack on the outside. Inside, Fatu delivers a 2nd rope headbutt drop for two, so Cornette trips him up a second time, and this time Smith is able to capitalize with a clothesline. Davey takes him to the outside for a few smashes into the steps, and surprisingly, Fatu sells them all. Did his head strength change due to wearing those stupid hats? He should do a PSA. Bulldog with a hanging vertical suplex to set up a legdrop, and Davey goes to a chinlock from there. Bulldog with an elbowdrop for two, and he goes to a nervehold. Fatu escapes, so Bulldog tries a DDT, but suddenly Fatu no-sells. See what taking the hat off can do for you? Very quick results. Fatu makes a comeback, and a cutter sets up a flying headbutt drop, but Smith has a foot in the ropes at two. Cue Cornette for a distraction, and Davey recovers, backdropping Fatu over the top. Bulldog dives after him from the apron, and a 2nd rope kneedrop connects on the way back in. All that leads to the running powerslam, and Fatu is pinned at 10:29. Watching this, I would not have very high hopes for Bulldog as a headliner. He actually transitioned very easily into working heel, but he wasn’t at that level. ¾*

Dok is back with another Slam Jam

Barry Horowitz is heading back out

Backstage, Ted DiBiase, Sycho Sid, and Kama shout about… stuff. Ahmed was easier to understand than whatever this was

BUExperience: Wait, so what was Horowitz coming back out for? They never followed through on that.

Nonetheless, a good episode this week, very lively.

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